divx118 / crouton-packages

Kernel-headers packages to use with crouton
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apt-get update fails + rc.local code 1 + cannot access module locking #8

Closed Watney closed 9 years ago

Watney commented 9 years ago

@divx118 Firstly, thank you for all of your work on crouton. After carefully reading your contribution to the Wiki on creating headers for Virtualbox, I stood from my chair and applauded! Genius.

I'm trying to use the kernel headers from your PPA. I have not attempted to compile my own. However, I've run into three questions. Perhaps you can offer suggestions, please.

  1. apt-get update error. I ran the script setup-headers.sh and now, with every apt-get update I get the following error message: W: Failed to fetch https://raw.github.com/divx118/crouton-packages/master/dists/3.10.18/InRelease Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
  2. rc.local failed with code 1 After completing the installation, including Virtualbox (from the Virtualbox.org ppa), I get the following error when lauching sudo startxfce4 -n vbox Entering /mnt/stateful_partition/crouton/chroots/vbox... WARNING: /etc/rc.local failed with code 1
  3. troubleshoot Virtualbox Virtualbox fails to launch reporting: Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) I've checked the following: a. sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done. Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done. Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS ...done. Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ...failed! b. The kernel headers and sym links are installed. ls -al /lib/modules/3.10.18 build -> /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10.18 and, there is a directory /usr/src/linux-headers-3.10.18 c. rc.local is correct and executable d. However, when I run sudo /etc/rc.local it reports chmod: cannot access '/sys/module/lsm/parameters/module_locking': No such file or directory

Thanks for all of your help!!

[EDIT] @divx118 I found your comment on #1278

I am working on a script to simplify changing kernel flags with also the possibility to revert any changes, so go back to a previously backed up signed kernel. Once this is done I will update the wiki pages.

My issue may be related to your comment and the thread discussion. If so, please forgive me. I'll patiently wait ... Thanks again!!

divx118 commented 9 years ago

1) I still need to add x86 modules to the repo for 3.10.18 kernel. Although we don't use them apt-get will complain they aren't there. Since you installed the headers, just remove /etc/apt/sources.list.d/crouton-packages.list and the message will go away. 2 and 3) Yes you are correct. My script is almost ready, but time is a bit of an issue right now. However I added the steps to change the kernel flags to the crouton wiki. See https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/wiki/Repack-kernel-to-Enable-VT_x-for-Virtualbox
It is pretty easy and straight forward. BTW you need to follow those steps every time after a chromeos update.

Watney commented 9 years ago

Thanks so much!! I'll give it a go. Would you like me to close the issue, or leave it open? Thanks again and please don't feel any pressure from me. Like I said at the outset, that someone finally showed us how to compile a kernel for virtualbox is totally amazing! I asked about this back in the days of the Cr48s, but gave up. Genius!!