divyansh-2005 / my-calendar-app

My Calendar App is a full-stack application designed to help users manage their schedules, expenses, todos, and notes all in one place. The app provides a seamless and intuitive user interface for efficient day-to-day management and includes robust backend support for secure data handling and user authentication.
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[FEATURE] Improve styling of Navigation Bar #165

Open Cubix33 opened 3 weeks ago

Cubix33 commented 3 weeks ago

I would like to enhance the styling for the Navigation Bar by adding the following features :

  1. Background gradience
  2. Hover and active states for the links
  3. Give the profile button a more appealing and rounded look
  4. Animate the calendar icon
  5. Give the title a better font
  6. Add a notification badge on the profile icon

check list