My Calendar App is a full-stack application designed to help users manage their schedules, expenses, todos, and notes all in one place. The app provides a seamless and intuitive user interface for efficient day-to-day management and includes robust backend support for secure data handling and user authentication.
Hello @divyansh-2005
This is a simple UI change where I am planning to change the total expense and total-to-dos layout , but can have great impact on the over all UX along with some changes in the design /
I would like to arrange them in column flex when viewed in large devices and row flex when viewed in smaller devices
This is the current design , which I would like to modify
Hello @divyansh-2005 This is a simple UI change where I am planning to change the total expense and total-to-dos layout , but can have great impact on the over all UX along with some changes in the design /
I would like to arrange them in column flex when viewed in large devices and row flex when viewed in smaller devices
This is the current design , which I would like to modify
so I request you to assign this task to me