diwako / armor_plates_system

Standalone Arma 3 Alternative Medical System
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add to the wounded the display of the time of blood loss (not the skull, but the timer) #100

Open topden opened 1 year ago

topden commented 1 year ago

add to the wounded the display of the time of blood loss (not the skull, but the timer) pictures are cool, but a simple timer to understand would be better. Here's what it looks like for me http://joxi.ru/DrlBgy0CKwgdz2 http://joxi.ru/VrwzEjdcoPegMA http://joxi.ru/n2YXgExCkvz0vm http://joxi.ru/82QLB8Kc85x4Om increasing the icon of the wounded and the timer in the sight very much blocks the view

I also want to note that disabling your system in the settings does not allow you to play with vanilla revive. The game always works in respawn mode. Is it possible to change this without deleting the mod?

diwako commented 1 year ago

I am sorry, I do not understand? These icons in those screenshots are not from this mod?

topden commented 1 year ago

no. this is just my example. these icons and the timer look the same at different distances and in scopes. do not increase. it does not hurt the eyes and does not block the view. I did this for the vanilla revive with a simple event handler. Maybe you want to change your choice. it's just not very convenient when the icon and the timer constantly decrease or increase in different situations.

it’s just that if you make them smaller, then at a distance of 300-500 meters they are very small, and if they are larger, then they close the entire view in the sight)) it’s hard to find a “golden mean” with adjusting the size of the icon and timer. it is easier that they always be of the same small size, as I showed in the example. And the "wounded" player himself sees his timer both in the first person and in the third.

and the timer and the icon can be made in one drawIcon3D. this is just a suggestion) not critics)

topden commented 1 year ago

http://joxi.ru/krDRzKMHGbjj52 http://joxi.ru/EA44LwoiXQEEBA here is an example of your icon size adjustment and MY timer in your mod. you see, it does not block the view, while the icons increase greatly when zoomed in

topden commented 1 year ago

this is how i made icons and timer for myself in your mod https://youtu.be/_cdLAHb_kqg

diwako commented 1 year ago

I ma all up for the change if it can be set inside the Addon Options menu.

topden commented 1 year ago



I did it myself. Highlight what you changed in bold. I removed the ability to adjust the size of the icon. left only the timer color adjustment. (I also removed the size adjustment from the mod settings). I'm sure you can do it better or more correctly, since I'm not a scripter, I'm just learning) Maybe you will like this idea, or maybe you will do it better) I have why the github does not highlight the code completely, so sorry for the curvature)

the only wish is to make the timer visible to the most injured, instead of a picture with a scull. or do it as an option in settings