dixudx / rtcclient

RTCClient for Rational Team Concert
Apache License 2.0
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Error creating work item: At least choose either-or between template and copied_from #194

Open Narendra0908 opened 11 months ago

Narendra0908 commented 11 months ago

while trying to create a work item i am encountering the error: Error creating work item: At least choose either-or between template and copied_from . Can someone please help with this error

dixudx commented 11 months ago

At least choose either-or between template and copied_from

@Narendra0908 Please try to set either template or copied_from, just as below showing.

Narendra0908 commented 11 months ago

yeh will check and let u know. What is this copied_from? As per my understanding this copied_from parameter stores a woritem id like a parent work item id where the information(like estimate,ownedBy,etc) for the new task is taken from that mention parent work item id. But my doubt is in order to create a new task with new information why do we need that copied_from or template

Narendra0908 commented 11 months ago

I used the code snippet as shown but i am getting the following error: Error creating work item: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://rb-alm-07-p.de.bosch.com/ccm/oslc/contexts/_1XITP6x9EeSLgc_fYa7XpA/workitems/task @dixudx Can we create a new work item without specifying the template or copied_from ??

dixudx commented 11 months ago

but i am getting the following error: Error creating work item: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://rb-alm-07-p.de.bosch.com/ccm/oslc/contexts/_1XITP6x9EeSLgc_fYa7XpA/workitems/task

This may be another issue, such as authentication error,etc.

Can we create a new work item without specifying the template or copied_from ??

This is doable if we make private function _createWorkitem as public one. But I'd still suggest using current friendly usage, which helps compose complex raw payload.

Narendra0908 commented 10 months ago

Any rest APIs for creating, deleting and updating work item in ALM using python?

dixudx commented 10 months ago

Any rest APIs for creating, deleting and updating work item in ALM using python?

@Narendra0908 The requesting urls are not REST style.

The url for workitem creating is https://github.com/dixudx/rtcclient/blob/8d14948c32381b96bfd09b0ef6295b1263019d5e/rtcclient/client.py#L1252

In current rtcclient, I did not add methods to delete and update workitems. Maybe you can help find ways and urls to solve these.

Narendra0908 commented 10 months ago

where is the main function to run the client.py script like how to run that script

dixudx commented 10 months ago

In rtcclient/client.py, public functioncreateWorkitem will call private function _createWorkitem, where the final request is composed and sent out.

where is the main function to run the client.py script like how to run that script

client.py is packaged into a python library. Please follow the quick start guide. Thanks.

myclient.createWorkitem("issue", "demo title", description=None, projectarea_id="a-projectarea-id", template=None, copied_from="123456", keep=False)

P.S. You can find the function references with an IDE. Thanks.

Narendra0908 commented 10 months ago

how to solve the below error: ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=9443): Max retries exceeded with url: /jazz/rootservices/authenticated/identity (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000002343A6296A0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'))

dixudx commented 10 months ago

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

From the error message, it seems the server is not running properly. That's why the rtcclient failed to establish a new connection.