diyhue / Lights

DIY lights with support for diyHue
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rbg multiplier while entertainment mode #99

Closed CaptainRoot closed 3 years ago

CaptainRoot commented 3 years ago

Add option to enable rgb multiplier while using entertainment mode for white correction

mariusmotea commented 3 years ago


Thanks for your support. My only concert here is the extend of the json file in SPIFFS because i know the conversion to json consume lot of RAM. Why did you choose to have different conversion levels than the default ones?

CaptainRoot commented 3 years ago


i use the original multiplier values. I only add an option switch to enable or disable calculation in entertainment mode. This option is added to json config,

I thought it will be useful to have the option to switch off the correction of because the calculation will tahe some time and so increases the delay.

mariusmotea commented 3 years ago

Theoretically it must not be noticied, did you observe an increase in delay? How many virtual lights did you use in your test?

CaptainRoot commented 3 years ago

I only use a short led strip with 4 virtual lights and around 80 leds. You are right, i did not see any delay here.

Should i remove option to activate or deactivate?

mariusmotea commented 3 years ago

I think is safe to use multiplier active also in entarteinment with no enable/disable switch.

CaptainRoot commented 3 years ago

Ok, i will remove the option and open a new request