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Change Data Pin ESP8266 #1017

Open jaspervanisterdael opened 1 month ago

jaspervanisterdael commented 1 month ago

Feature does not already exist?

I searched and did not find an existing feature request

Summarize feature

Dear community,

I'm trying to use the D5 port instead of the RX port on my ESP8266. I changed the .ino file, but the modified script isn't working. I'm able to connect to my wifi and configure the lightstrip, but actually changing the colors isn't possible. Any tips/suggestions?

I have added/changed the following code:

#define DATA_PIN 5 // Define the pin number for the data

`void ChangeNeoPixels(uint16_t newCount) // this set the number of leds of the strip based on web configuration
  if (strip != NULL) {
    delete strip; // delete the previous dynamically created strip
  // strip = new NeoPixelBus<NeoBgrFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod>(newCount); // and recreate with new count
  strip = new NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod>(newCount, DATA_PIN); // and recreate with new count
  //strip = new NeoPixelBus<NeoBrgFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod>(newCount); // and recreate with new count

void setup() {

  digitalWrite(POWER_MOSFET_PIN, HIGH); mosftetState = true; // reuired if HIGH logic power the strip, otherwise must be commented.
 pinMode(DATA_PIN, OUTPUT); // Initialize the data pin as an output

mariusmotea commented 1 month ago


RX pin has a special hardware feature used by Neopixel library to control the leds, it cannot be changed unless the library is replaced with a different one.