diyhue / hassio-addon

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upgrade to 2.0.10 causes startup failure #23

Open raphus opened 7 months ago

raphus commented 7 months ago


Been running DIYHUE via HACS, Home Assistant for quite some time, amazing project. Upgraded and had to revert as DIYHUE will not start once upgraded. Here is what I see when trying to start: `File “/opt/hue-emulator/HueObjects/”, line 305, in del ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down Exception ignored in: <function Light.del at 0x7f20b882e310> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/opt/hue-emulator/HueObjects/”, line 305, in del ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down Exception ignored in: <function Light.del at 0x7f20b882e310> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/opt/hue-emulator/HueObjects/”, line 305, in del ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down Exception ignored in: <function Light.del at 0x7f20b882e310> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/opt/hue-emulator/HueObjects/”, line 305, in del ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down Exception ignored in: <function Light.del at 0x7f20b882e310> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/opt/hue-emulator/HueObjects/”, line 305, in del ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down [cmd] ./ exited 1 [cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts… [cont-finish.d] executing…

        Oops! Something went wrong.

We are so sorry, but something went terribly wrong when starting or running this add-on.

Be sure to check the log above, line by line, for hints.

[cont-finish.d] exited 0. [cont-finish.d] done. [s6-finish] waiting for services. [s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal. `

HACS version 1.33.0 Pertainer Current version: 2.19.2 Home Assistant versions: Core 2023.11.2 Supervisor 2023.11.3 Operating System 11.1 Frontend 20231030.2

Am I missing something? are there changes to the config file or settings that need to be updated when upgrade from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 ?

Thank you so much for any help!