diyhue / hassio-addon

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Ngnix proxy manager issue #4

Closed strusic closed 2 years ago

strusic commented 2 years ago

Addon just didnt work when running ngnix proxy manager addon. Is it possible to get this working? Ive tried to compile it myself with other ports, and its half way working, controling with web ui workd, but cant connect to bridge with other apps.

Mevel commented 2 years ago

Original hue apps require bridge to run on port 80 and 443. This might interfere with your proxy

strusic commented 2 years ago

So is there any solution to use them both? I need nginx to remote access :/

Mevel commented 2 years ago

can you remap your nginx proxy and free up 80 and 443?

strusic commented 2 years ago

Well... I spent about 3 days trying how to get this working and forgot to add new port in mobile app. Just to be clear: