dizda / CloudBackupBundle

Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3, GoogleDrive, etc.)
MIT License
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No such file or directory exception while doing backup #124

Open fharold opened 7 years ago

fharold commented 7 years ago


I am using your bundle successfully for a few month now but I only used it on my debug server. But I do not know why I can't do a backup on my production server as I have this exception occuring. My environment is the same on the debug and production server (Debian 7), using php 5.6.24 and Symfony 2.8 LTS

Do you know how can I fix this ? :( Please do not hesitate to ask me more details as it is my very first issue on a public repo. Thanks for everything,


The logs are :

[2017-02-20 10:58:14] app.CRITICAL: [dizda-backup] Unexpected exception. {"exception":"[object] (UnexpectedValueException(code: 0): RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/var/www/html/api.hipok.com/app/..//dev): failed to open dir: No such file or directory at /var/www/html/api.hipok.com/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:435)"} 
Something went terribly wrong. We could not create a backup. Read your log files to see what caused this error.

The configuration :

    # By default backup files will have your servers hostname as prefix
    # such as: hostname_2014-01-01_21-08-39.tar
    output_file_prefix: api_hipok
    timeout: 300
        type: tar # Required: tar|zip|7z
            compression_ratio: 6
            password: ******
            # Split into many files of `split_size` bytes
                enable: false # Default false
                split_size: 1000 # Make each zip files no larger than "split_size" in bytes
                storages: [ Dropbox ] # Which cloud storages will upload split files
    folders: [ web ]
        # Using dropbox via official API. You need to add "dropbox/dropbox-sdk": "1.1.*" in your composer.json file
            remote_path: /api.hipok.com # Required. Path to upload files (where the root '/' will be application folder)
            access_token: MYACCESSTOKEN # Required. Access token provided by DropBox to authenticate your application. You can follow instructions at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/start/php

            all_databases: false # Only required when no database is set
            database: '%database_name%'          # Required if all_databases is false
            db_host: '%database_host%'   # This, and following is not required and if not specified, the bundle will take ORM configuration in parameters.yml
            db_port: '%database_port%'           # Default 3306
            db_user: '%database_user%'
            db_password: '%database_password%'```