dizda / CloudBackupBundle

Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3, GoogleDrive, etc.)
MIT License
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Dropbox API v1 retired #131

Open kockodev opened 6 years ago

kockodev commented 6 years ago

This library suggests install Dropbox SDK dropbox/dropbox-sdk, this library is not maintained any more of becase Dropbox has discontinued their V1 – API in June 2017.

Do you plan to include another library for backups in Dropbox?

Nyholm commented 6 years ago

We should be using https://github.com/kunalvarma05/dropbox-php-sdk

takashius commented 6 years ago

I do not understand where I'm going to do the configuration with this new Bundle

In the explanation they configure "client_id" and "client_secret" in a class, but here we use it in a configuration yml file, should I create a class or a service with that information? how would that be communicated with the backup?

Johny12369 commented 5 years ago

Did someone solve this? When I install the new budle (/kunalvarma05/dropbox-php-sdk) instead of the old I get Error: Uncaught LogicException: You need to install "dropbox/dropbox-sdk" right after load.