dizda / CloudBackupBundle

Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3, GoogleDrive, etc.)
MIT License
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Symfony 4.x support #136

Open nmeirik opened 6 years ago

nmeirik commented 6 years ago

The bundle throws a deprecation warning on Symfony 3.4:

Auto-registration of the command "Dizda\CloudBackupBundle\Command\BackupCommand" is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and won't be supported in 4.0. Use PSR-4 based service discovery instead: 1x
secit-pl commented 6 years ago

@dizda Any plans for supporting Symfony 4?

dizda commented 6 years ago

If anyone is willing to take over the bundle maintenance/administration, feel free :-) I've got no bandwidth for maintaining that project anymore.

secit-pl commented 6 years ago

I started to preparing this bundle for Symfony 4 but there are a lot of deprecations which are removed in version 4.0 and a lot of code should be changed to make it work in version 4.0. I can create a PR to make it work but the minimum supported Symfony version will be 4.0.

@dizda what do you think?

Nyholm commented 6 years ago

I can also admit that I cannot be the driving force in this project. Im happy to review and merge PRs. But so far I've seen none that fixes this issue.

@secit-pl I've migrated many bundles to Symfony 4. It usually isn't too much work.

FYI: A few months ago I migrated the BackupManager's Symfony bundle to Symfony4.

charliefancelli commented 5 years ago

@secit-pl can you share your work, i can be interested to contribute too with supporting SF4 ?

secit-pl commented 5 years ago

@charliefancelli I do not use this bundle any more. I wrote my own backup solution (working on the os level)