dizgraham / gowestyoungclyde

havent you been told california’s full of whiskey, women, and gold
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https://dizgraham.github.io/gowestyoungclyde/ #1

Open dizgraham opened 3 years ago

dizgraham commented 3 years ago

So, everyone. Erik had the thought that he ought be able to comment and (rather harshly) requested my services. This is what I have come up with. It will allow people to make comments that 1; can actually be seen, and 2; are not anonymous. Unfortunately, that means people must make an account, but there is no way around this, and the company, Github, is well known and can be trusted. You just need an email. https://github.com/signup?ref_cta=Sign+up&ref_loc=header+logged+out&ref_page=%2F&source=header-home Once you have an account, return to this page. There should be a “Sign in with Github” button. Press that and it will either 1; ask you to log in, and then ask you to allow “utterances” (the commenting service) access, or 2; just ask for access, because you are already logged in. Allow utterances access, and you’re good!

dizgraham commented 3 years ago

Forgot to say. You can react to comments.

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

Made up my mind to make a new start. Going to California with an achin’ in my heart…

Dtmcd commented 3 years ago

I met a redneck on a Grecian isle Who did the goat dance very well He gave me back my smile But he kept my camera to sell Oh the rogue the red red rogue He cooked good omelettes and stews And I might have stayed on with him there But my heart cried out for you California

Dtmcd commented 3 years ago

Looks like a great start to an epic road trip! Perrysville more than lived up to expectations I’d say. Y’all need more California songs — see how many you can find, DJ G-Dizzle.

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

You can check out anytime. But you can never leave!

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

I rode many a mile with no hands growing up in Illinois. Just ask my old buddy Carl about when I’d ghost ride him while he was riding on the handle bars. Very acrobatic and should have been illegal, but nobody ever seemed to be watching. Oh, by the way…Darren and I have already recommended 3 songs in our comments. You just gotta read the tea leaves…

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

Leather, leather, leather baby!

MichaelDiz commented 3 years ago

Those songs are going to hit the playlist tomorrow! I hope for Carl’s sake you could ride no hands better than you can shoot a basketball, which is not much better than doing it no hands

BillRegner commented 3 years ago

I'd like to rest my heavy head tonight On a bed of California stars

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

All the leaves are brown…and the sky is gray. I’ve been for a walk…on a winter’s day

BillRegner commented 3 years ago


MichaelDiz commented 3 years ago

California songs spinning right now! Keep em coming!

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

The midwest farmer’s daughters really make you feel alright

Dtmcd commented 3 years ago

Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind's elation And little girls from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

Admittedly, I’m behind on the blog; will catch later today. But I thought you might need a song in the meantime. This one isn’t necessarily a Cali song, but it’s a must for a long strange road trip (or road trip of any kind). And from a band whose roots are deep in your destination.

Lately it occurs to me…what a long strange trip it’s been

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

Caught up. Wow, what a trip - that's a lot to take in! I'm super envious! Amazing with all this post-covid travel that you were the only people in the Badlands and at Mt. Rushmore! Great pics!! Regarding music, I apologize if i strayed from purely California songs this morning (meaning California or some variation of fornication in California) being in the song title. Getting back on track, I'll make it known that I started this game from memory but as you get older that tends to fade. So now, for a little inspiration, I'm working strictly from my own library, NOT Spotify. Considering I have a recommendation today that is not likely to be on Spotify, you get a 1+1 bonus on this one. See if you can find "California" by Saddlesong (great Nashville band that folded awhile ago, I think). That's the bonus. Here's the evening recommendation (apologies for the heinous, shock-inducing, anti-former governor lyrics; after all the artist is one of the more offensive bands of all time with the best band name ever):

You will croak you little clown...when you mess with President Brown

ps - your house didn't look right today with some random white car in the driveway.

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

footnote - play my most recent song recommendation when the driver is getting sleepy.

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

I just pulled this out of my record collection and am listening to it tonight in your honor (too bad Graham doesn't allow commenters to post photos or I'd post a photo of my tattered copy). This complication could keep you going tomorrow for the long drive! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fillmore:_The_Last_Days

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

i'll give you a few music recs today, since i know you have a lot of miles ahead of you on the home stretch.

It was the California Uptight Band...a way out hippy was the guitar man (make sure you get the Flatt & Scruggs version)

I remember redwood trees...bumper cars and wolverines

I'm on my way west...i'm going to stop in old New Mexico...because i had there...a friend I used to know (California Blues by Albert King)

You're such a wonder that I think I'll stay in bed

It's all in the air, you hear it everywhere...no matter what you do it's gonna grab a hold on you

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

There are no books we've all read except children's books. The Lorax comes to mind.

Erikmurn commented 3 years ago

What a trip! Glad you made it. As is the punchline in an old, off-color joke, Welcome to California and have a nice day!