dj-nitehawk / Hybrid-Inverter-Monitor

Monitoring application for hybrid inverters using the Voltronic communication protocol & JK BMS via USB port.
MIT License
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Connection timed out #7

Closed sanatho closed 1 year ago

sanatho commented 1 year ago

When I execute InverterMon.Server I get this error image ice.CommandExecutor[0] OS: raspian os lite (64 bit) Device: Raspberry pi 3b+

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

execute lsusb in your terminal. see if there's a device like the following:

Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0665:5161 Cypress Semiconductor USB to Serial

if a device does exist, do the following and determine where the hidraw device is mounted:

ls /dev/hid*

if the hidraw number is not 0, you gotta update the appsettings.json file with the correct path to the device.

sanatho commented 1 year ago

image I see this device

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

post the output of ls /dev/hid*

sanatho commented 1 year ago


when i execute the server for the first time i see the info for 1 second and after i get the error

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

when connection breaks, does the /dev/hidraw0 device also disappear from the os? could be a loose usb connection/port issue. does it work correctly for watchpower app?

sanatho commented 1 year ago

I have never encountered any problems in watchpower app

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

when connection breaks, does the /dev/hidraw0 device also disappear from the os?

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

and what is the brand/model of your inverter? does it support the voltronic protocol?

sanatho commented 1 year ago

this appear when i execute the server for the first time image the device doesn't disappear image the inverter is inxii 3000w (i think that support voltronic protocol because i see info the first time)

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

are you connecting to the raspi via wifi? if so, can you try connecting with ethernet instead? if still no success after trying that, i'm afraid there's no way for me to debug the issue without having physical access to your inverter. unless you know some C# and willing to do the debugging yourself using the source code.

sanatho commented 1 year ago

I am connected via wifi and i and i can't connect via ethernet. maybe i could try to understand c#

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

also try holding the usb port in a fixed position on the inverter without letting go. those chinese clone inverters sometimes have loose connection ports. i have no idea why the connection breaks after initial success.

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

also i've had similar experience with raspi and built-in wifi. after using a wifi dongle, the situation became better.

sanatho commented 1 year ago

the strange thing is that the original program does not give any problems

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

yes strange indeed.

sanatho commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your suggestions

Saentist commented 1 year ago

@sanatho See if DMESG show some strange messages when this happens.

My suggestion is, that there is electrical grounding problem.

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

@Saentist can a grounding issue cause interference with serial data communication?

sanatho commented 1 year ago

Could low power supply be a problem?

dj-nitehawk commented 1 year ago

insufficient power may also be a cause. i've had both wifi and usb connection dropouts with raspi b3+ switched to an orange pi 4 lts and been problem free since ;-)

Saentist commented 1 year ago

@Saentist can a grounding issue cause interference with serial data communication?

Yes some usb to rs232 adapters have protection and restart itself with message in DMESG

Could low power supply be a problem?

Yes this device have strange power consumption twice then what is written in specs. Minimum recommended 4Amp adapter is what it must be. any next attached device + 0.5A

inverter connected to USB is using power by USB cable ???? (tested with unplug grid, battery and PV)