dj-stripe / dj-stripe

dj-stripe automatically syncs your Stripe Data to your local database as pre-implemented Django Models allowing you to use the Django ORM, in your code, to work with the data making it easier and faster.
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Docs are broken in several ways/places #1841

Open jacklinke opened 1 year ago

jacklinke commented 1 year ago

What did you run into?

Trying to read the documentation to better understand this project, but much of the information is missing from pages or incorrectly formatted/garbled.

Why would it be helpful to document or fix this?

To which section of the docs does this belong?

It looks like much of these issues crept in during #1451

jleclanche commented 3 weeks ago

I've updated the docs subdomains to redirect to - However that last one is looking broken at the moment so we have that to fix.

Next step is to get the docs to actually display correctly on the /docs path.

abe-101 commented 2 weeks ago

Anyone know if the newly redesigned site ever supported multiple versions of the docs?

abe-101 commented 2 weeks ago

@jleclanche Do you have any insight into where is hosted and getting deployed from?

jleclanche commented 2 weeks ago

I think it's all - possibly not the master branch

abe-101 commented 2 weeks ago

I also want to point out the current state of the mkdocs.yml

the current deployment strategy is to copy this yml file into the docs repo and use it to deploy

it seem it was originally hosted in the docs repo is very shy of the original one which includes a lot more (both a custom theme and a custom landing page)

abe-101 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the inputs both. I tried to get up and running building the other repo by following what the CI was doing, and managed to do that. I documented my steps here: dj-stripe/

However, when I did this, the generated documentation site looked like and not like (all the fancy styling was lost).

@jleclanche I'm pretty confused by this statement:

The docs on the dev site are just using a custom theme for our docs generator and we can keep doing this.

When I search the repo for, e.g. "Stripe Made Easy for Django Developers" it comes up in HTML files, but not anywhere that looks like it could be built. How was this initial website created? It doesn't seem like the above is plausibly true, unless I'm missing something.

Assuming that it is at least somewhat close to true - where can I find that theme and how do i build the docs using it?

@czue You can find the theme and the text "Stripe Made Easy for Django Developers" in a previous git version (AFAIK GitHub won't search in git history)

See the repos for example at Mar 31, 2023:

You can see it all in the mkdocs.yml file from back then

czue commented 2 weeks ago

Good detective work @abe-101 and bless you for your efforts on sorting this all out!