dj-stripe / dj-stripe

dj-stripe automatically syncs your Stripe Data to your local database as pre-implemented Django Models allowing you to use the Django ORM, in your code, to work with the data making it easier and faster.
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How do i get the API Key in the Authorization header ? #2022

Closed Ockham-Byron closed 3 months ago

Ockham-Byron commented 4 months ago

What are you trying to accomplish? Hi, I'm trying to redirect the customer on a custom subscription confirmation page of my app, with this code :

def subscription_confirm(request):
    # set our stripe keys up
    stripe.api_key = djstripe_settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY

    # get the session id from the URL and retrieve the session object from Stripe
    session_id = request.GET.get("session_id")
    session = stripe.checkout.Session.retrieve(session_id)

    # get the subscribing user from the client_reference_id we passed in above
    client_reference_id = int(session.client_reference_id)
    subscription_holder = get_user_model().objects.get(id=client_reference_id)
    # sanity check that the logged in user is the one being updated
    assert subscription_holder == request.user

    # get the subscription object form Stripe and sync to djstripe
    subscription = stripe.Subscription.retrieve(session.subscription)
    djstripe_subscription = Subscription.sync_from_stripe_data(subscription)

    # set the subscription and customer on our user
    subscription_holder.subscription = djstripe_subscription
    subscription_holder.customer = djstripe_subscription.customer

    # show a message to the user and redirect
    messages.success(request, f"You've successfully signed up. Thanks for the support!")
    return render(request, 'dashboard/subscription-complete.html')

But I have an error : You did not provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in the Authorization header, using Bearer auth (e.g. 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY').

How can I do that ?

Thanks !

arnav13081994 commented 3 months ago

@Ockham-Byron You can pass the api_key to any stripe api call like so stripe.checkout.Session.retrieve(session_id, api_key=...)