dj-stripe / dj-stripe

dj-stripe automatically syncs your Stripe Data to your local database as pre-implemented Django Models allowing you to use the Django ORM, in your code, to work with the data making it easier and faster.
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🔥 Django Admin URLs found many Internal Server Errors (500) while testing using django-smoke-tests #2036

Open agusmakmun opened 1 month ago

agusmakmun commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Django Admin URLs of dj-stripe found many Internal Server Errors (500) while testing using django-smoke-tests. It can be GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE. If the URL is not valid, should not return any Internal Server Errors.

This will lead alert fatigues when someone randomly hit the dj-stripe urls in django admin. Especially for anonymous user.

To Reproduce

  1. Install the dj-stripe package (any version).
  2. Install django-smoke-tests: pip install django-smoke-tests
  3. Add the "django_smoke_tests" to the INSTALLED_APPS.
  4. Then run the command python smoke_tests --allow-status-codes=200,201,204,301,302,304,400,401,403,405,415

Software versions

Temporary Solution

Right now I'm using the SKIP_SMOKE_TESTS to add any URLs that has errors. But, that's not good approach because of dj-stripe have many models, also I need to deep debug which urls that need to be added.

For example:

    # 3d party: djstripe
    # 3d party: djstripe.idempotencykey
    # /admin/djstripe/idempotencykey/
    # 3d party: djstripe.webhookeventtrigger
    # /admin/djstripe/webhookeventtrigger/
    # 3d party: djstripe.account
    # /admin/djstripe/account/
    # 3d party: djstripe.apikey
    # /admin/djstripe/apikey/
    # 3d party: djstripe.balancetransaction
    # /admin/djstripe/balancetransaction/
    # 3d party: djstripe.bankaccount
    # /admin/djstripe/bankaccount/
    # 3d party: djstripe.card
    # /admin/djstripe/card/
    # 3d party: djstripe.charge
    # /admin/djstripe/charge/
    # 3d party:
    # /admin/djstripe/coupon/
    # 3d party: djstripe.customer
    # /admin/djstripe/customer/
    # 3d party: djstripe.dispute
    # /admin/djstripe/dispute/
    # 3d party: djstripe.event
    # /admin/djstripe/event/
    # 3d party: djstripe.fileupload
    # /admin/djstripe/fileupload/
    # 3d party: djstripe.file
    # /admin/djstripe/file/
    # 3d party: djstripe.paymentintent
    # /admin/djstripe/paymentintent/
    # 3d party: djstripe.setupintent
    # /admin/djstripe/setupintent/
    # 3d party: djstripe.invoice
    # /admin/djstripe/invoice/
    # 3d party: djstripe.plan
    # /admin/djstripe/plan/
    # 3d party: djstripe.price
    # /admin/djstripe/price/
    # 3d party: djstripe.product
    # /admin/djstripe/product/
    # 3d party: djstripe.refund
    # /admin/djstripe/refund/
    # 3d party: djstripe.source
    # /admin/djstripe/source/
    # 3d party: djstripe.paymentmethod
    # /admin/djstripe/paymentmethod/
    # 3d party: djstripe.subscription
    # /admin/djstripe/subscription/
    # 3d party: djstripe.taxrate
    # /admin/djstripe/taxrate/
    # 3d party: djstripe.transfer
    # /admin/djstripe/transfer/
    # 3d party: djstripe.transferreversal
    # /admin/djstripe/transferreversal/
    # 3d party: djstripe.usagerecordsummary
    # /admin/djstripe/usagerecordsummary/
    # 3d party: djstripe.webhookendpoint
    # /admin/djstripe/webhookendpoint/
    # 3d party: djstripe.subscriptionschedule
    # /admin/djstripe/subscriptionschedule/
    # 3d party: djstripe.shippingrate
    # /admin/djstripe/shippingrate/
    # 3d party: djstripe.session
    # /admin/djstripe/session/
    # 3d party: djstripe.payout
    # /admin/djstripe/payout/
    # 3d party: djstripe.order
    # /admin/djstripe/order/
    # 3d party: djstripe.mandate
    # /admin/djstripe/mandate/
    # 3d party: djstripe.filelink
    # /admin/djstripe/filelink/
    # 3d party: djstripe.applicationfeerefund
    # /admin/djstripe/applicationfeerefund/
    # 3d party: djstripe.applicationfee
    # /admin/djstripe/applicationfee/