dj-stripe / dj-stripe

dj-stripe automatically syncs your Stripe Data to your local database as pre-implemented Django Models allowing you to use the Django ORM, in your code, to work with the data making it easier and faster.
MIT License
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Remove discord expired discord link #2043

Closed abe-101 closed 3 weeks ago

abe-101 commented 4 weeks ago

per the project no longer has a discord server. closes #2026

Are you ok with me creating an unofficial dj-stripe discord server and adding a invite link to the docs? IMO as an open source project have a means to communicate with others using the project is vital to the projects success

abe-101 commented 4 weeks ago

as a side note this page is broken/empty

jleclanche commented 4 weeks ago

@abe-101 I won't stop you from creating a discord, but if you want it to be active you'll need to actively promote it and I can tell you that, as we had done it, very few people joined and used it. Instead we have github discussions which are IMO a fine way of having informal discussions and are actually used. The information is also indexed by search engines which is more important for OSS projects. For real time discussions we give sponsors access to a linked Slack channel.

jleclanche commented 4 weeks ago

By the way, we also talked to Stripe about hosting a community djstripe channel in their Stripe discord server but that did not move forward.

abe-101 commented 3 weeks ago

@jleclanche I do appropriate this projects github discussions it is indeed how I've gotten a deeper understanding of the project. I would still encourage some form of a more relaxed chat. IMO the biggest benefit of a chat is that it leads to less "spam" on the GitHub page. You could argue that discussions accomplish that but than the discussions is more spammy and harder to find valuable answers.

I imagine part of the decision to close the original discord was to provide exclusive chat access to the sponsors? Does the strategy work? is it worth he trade-off? Is it possible that with an online chat this project would have more active contributors?

abe-101 commented 3 weeks ago

If part of the challenge is moderation, I' be happy to help out in that regard

jleclanche commented 3 weeks ago

I imagine part of the decision to close the original discord was to provide exclusive chat access to the sponsors? No no, and moderation was a non-issue. It's the opposite: there was little to no activity, so nobody was checking it, so when there was a question it went unanswered.

I'm of the mindset that if we offer a communication channel it should be cared for. Everyone actively monitors github, including discussions; Discord was unused thus unmonitored. Offering a slack channel for the sponsors is just a nice bonus so they understand they have a direct monitored access to the team no matter what.