dj1an / Cubecell_LoRa_APRS_Tracker

LoRa APRS Tracker for Heltec Cubecell GPS Boards
MIT License
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Optimize Energy Management #3

Open dj1an opened 2 years ago

dj1an commented 2 years ago

Just did a few Measurements with the actual Firmware: Current was measured in between Battery and the Cubecell Board without USB Power.

  1. LCD on, GPS: on: 50-63mA
  2. LCD on, GPS off: 17.9mA
  3. LCD and GPS off: 11.27mA
  4. LCD, GPS and Radio off, CPU Sleepmode : 11.17 mA

As there is no On/Off switch on the Device itself, we have to fully rely on the Sleepmode for Standby use. The advertised 21uA from the Datasheet is not nearly reached, so the Battery gets drained fast.

dj1an commented 2 years ago

Found the missing piece.. with the sleep current is now down to 448uA. Not exactly as advertised, but going in the right direction ;)