dj95 / zjstatus

A configurable statusbar plugin for zellij
MIT License
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doc/feat: contrasting the status bar from the rest of zellij #17

Closed colemickens closed 8 months ago

colemickens commented 8 months ago

When I have pane frames disabled (getting me a few extra lines on my laptop display), the status bar sometimes melds too well with my actual session.

I would like to have zjstatus separated, somehow. I usually run my term emus with a BG slightly lighter than solid black, so I could set zjstatus to use #000000 as a bgcolor, and that might work.

Alternatively, or additionally, my panes are separated still with the normal separator and it feels like zjstatus should too. Is this something zjstatus can control? It feels like maybe it's a property of the layout, but all the same it would be nice if zjstatus documentation included a hint on how to add the separators in a layout including it.

As always, thank you, I love zellij and zjstatus only increases the good feelings.

dj95 commented 8 months ago

Hi @colemickens ,

I've tested the behaviour. The problem is, that zellij will not draw the border as soon as the plugin is not selectable. It might be to make it a bit more clear which pane is selectable and which not.Therefore I have not really a chance to re-activate the border.

One possible solution would be to draw the border with zjstatus. This requires the zjstatus pane to have a height of 2 rows, such that the border is displayed anytime.

Would this solve your problem?

dj95 commented 8 months ago

I've implemented a customisable border:

Is this working for your problem?

colemickens commented 8 months ago


beautiful and easy to sync with my "host color", thanks!

steakhutzeee commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm trying to apply height of 2 in order to see the status bar border as mentioned here Where should it be placed exactly?

dj95 commented 1 month ago

The pane height must be set to 2 as mentioned in the wiki. You can get familiar with writing layouts at

All in all, it should be something like this

layout {
    default_tab_template {
+       pane size=2 borderless=true {
              plugin location="..." {
                  // ...
                  border_enabled  "true"
                  // ...