dj95 / zjstatus

A configurable statusbar plugin for zellij
MIT License
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Slant example and formatting #27

Closed umop3plsdn closed 6 months ago

umop3plsdn commented 6 months ago

Not sure why it doesn't work when I try to run a multi format on a single line to change the color of . In your slanted example you have a couple examples where sending tab_active "#[fg=#181825,bg=#ffffff,bold,italic] {index}  {name} #[fg=#ffffff,bg=#181825]" changes the  to make the slant illusion work. However when I try to do the same thing with command_1_format "#[fg=#181825,bg=blue,bold]{stdout} #[fg=blue,bold,bg=#181825]" it just prints out the second one in text format instead of changing the colors again like you did on the previous ones. What could I be doing wrong?

dj95 commented 6 months ago


the command widget unfortunately supports only one format string. I've not implemented multiple format strings into most of the widgets for simplicity and performance reasons. You could try to add the format after the command widget in format_left or format_right.