dj95 / zjstatus

A configurable statusbar plugin for zellij
MIT License
358 stars 6 forks source link

Bug: Plugin with ID 0 Not Found Error #73

Open 0venBurn opened 1 week ago

0venBurn commented 1 week ago

Description: I am encountering repeated errors indicating that a plugin with ID 0 cannot be found. I have checked the plugin registration in my Zellij config, validated the plugin file location, inspected the plugin code for potential issues, and have had no success

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start Zellij with a configuration that includes the plugin.
  2. Observe the repeated error messages about the plugin with ID 0 not being found.


Expected Behavior: Plugin loads with no errors

Actual Behavior: Repeated error messages indicating the plugin with ID 0 cannot be found.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):


layout {
    default_tab_template {
        pane size=1 borderless=true {
            plugin location="" {
                format_left   "{mode} #[fg=#89B4FA,bold]{session}"
                format_center "{tabs}"
                format_right  "{command_git_branch} {datetime}"
                format_space  ""

                border_enabled  "false"
                border_char     "─"
                border_format   "#[fg=#6C7086]{char}"
                border_position "top"

                hide_frame_for_single_pane "true"

                mode_normal  "#[bg=blue] "
                mode_tmux    "#[bg=#ffc387] "

                tab_normal   "#[fg=#6C7086] {name} "
                tab_active   "#[fg=#9399B2,bold,italic] {name} "

                command_git_branch_command     "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
                command_git_branch_format      "#[fg=blue] {stdout} "
                command_git_branch_interval    "10"
                command_git_branch_rendermode  "static"

                datetime        "#[fg=#6C7086,bold] {format} "
                datetime_format "%A, %d %b %Y %H:%M"
                datetime_timezone "Europe/Berlin"

Additional context Nothing more unusual happens but the plugin loads and then reports an error the logs simply say ERROR |zellij_server::plugins | 2024-06-21 00:16:33.255 [wasm ] [zellij-server/src/plugins/]: Plugin with id: 0 not found ERROR |zellij_server::plugins | 2024-06-21 00:16:42.550 [wasm ] [zellij-server/src/plugins/]: Plugin with id: 0 not found ERROR |zellij_server::plugins | 2024-06-21 00:16:52.922 [wasm ] [zellij-server/src/plugins/]: Plugin with id: 0 not found

dj95 commented 1 week ago

Hi, the plugin location is empty in your layout. Have you also tried to clean the cache?

0venBurn commented 1 week ago

Hi sorry the plugin path was actually set. I cleared the cache as per the instruction page and still no dice. I also can't install from the web as it returns a empty server error

dj95 commented 1 week ago

Can you please try to clear the cache and use the file path to load the plugin, as the https location sometimes bugs out on macOS.

Also which version do you use on zjstatus?

Do you see the permissions prompt? Does it crash before or after it?

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the issue. I'm using zjstatus and zellij on 2 different MacBooks successfully

0venBurn commented 1 week ago

Hi I tried all the stuff and reset the cache etc. I was able to get other plugins to work but not this one. Must be something ingrained in my zellij overall setup or .files. I just defaulted to the minimal dock from zellij plugins and seems to be working fine. Sorry for wasting your time and thanks for your help

dj95 commented 1 week ago

It would at least be interesting if you get the permissions prompt before the error. Thus I know if it's a zjstatus or a zellij problem. It would be nice, if you could give some details on this one even if you don't want to use zjstatus.

0venBurn commented 1 week ago

Hi, usually what happens is that the plugin will load for a split second I will see the permissions come up before I get a red bar at the bottom of my page stating error in plugin check logs. It will then be impossible to leave zellij without exiting the terminal application all together. The logs just report the same error with plugin not found.