djacobs / PyAPNs

Python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)
MIT License
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Max Frame Items? #113

Closed gngrwzrd closed 7 years ago

gngrwzrd commented 9 years ago

Do you know what type of maximum limit should be put in frames?

I don't have thousands of devices to test with at the moment, so I'm not 100% sure how to handle maximum amount of items in the frame.

Would it make sense to stuff as many as possible into a frame? What if I have 5K devices?

Or would it work to say only allow 500 per frame, send when it's full, then create a new frame and send those?

Would I ever need to reconnect the APNS connection?

Sorry this is more of a question not necessarily a bug..

jimhorng commented 9 years ago

@gngrwzrd Suggest you can do maximum frame test for the community, you can wrap messages in frames to the same device, yeah?

Would I ever need to reconnect the APNS connection?

You should NOT have to, PyAPNs will do it for you, unless you encounter some wired problems. :)

geeknam commented 9 years ago

I have 33k tokens and looks like PyAPNs doesn't send to all of them (if I chunk it in 200, it works). I also have a cleaning task that runs every 2 hours to wiped the failed tokens.