djadmin / awesome-bug-bounty

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Bug Bounty Hunting things #48

Open Rootharsh opened 1 year ago

ThreatLEVELred commented 6 months ago

require "sinatra" require "dotenv/load" require "net/http" require "json"


def parse_response(response) case response when Net::HTTPOK JSON.parse(response.body) else puts response puts response.body {} end end

def exchange_code(code) params = { "client_id" => CLIENT_ID, "client_secret" => CLIENT_SECRET, "code" => code } result = URI(""), URI.encode_www_form(params), {"Accept" => "application/json"} )

parse_response(result) end

def user_info(token) uri = URI("")

result = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| body = {"access_token" => token}.to_json

auth = "Bearer #{token}"
headers = {"Accept" => "application/json", "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Authorization" => auth}

http.send_request("GET", uri.path, body, headers)


parse_response(result) end

get "/" do link = 'Login with GitHub' erb link end

get "CALLBACK_URL" do code = params["code"]

token_data = exchange_code(code)

if token_data.key?("access_token") token = token_data["access_token"]

user_info = user_info(token)
handle = user_info["login"]
name = user_info["name"]

render = "Successfully authorized! Welcome, #{name} (#{handle})."
erb render

else render = "Authorized, but unable to exchange code #{code} for token." erb render end end