django-blog-zinnia / cmsplugin-zinnia

Bridge between django-blog-zinnia and django-cms
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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syncdb issue on fresh install #24

Closed jbegaint closed 10 years ago

jbegaint commented 10 years ago

I just installed the plugin on a freshly installed virtualenv and i get this error :

cmsplugin_zinnia.latestentriesplugin: 'tags' has an m2m relation with model <class 'tagging.models.Tag'>,
which has either not been installed or is abstract.


Fantomas42 commented 10 years ago

Is django-tagging installed ?

jbegaint commented 10 years ago

Yes, here's pip freeze output :

Django==1.5.5 Pillow==2.3.0 South==0.8.4 beautifulsoup4==4.3.2 cmsplugin-filer==0.9.5 cmsplugin-zinnia==0.5.1 django-blog-zinnia==0.13 django-classy-tags==0.4 django-cms==2.4.3 django-filer==0.9.5 django-mptt==0.5.2 django-polymorphic==0.5.3 django-sekizai==0.7 django-tagging==0.3.1 django-xmlrpc==0.1.5 easy-thumbnails==1.4 html5lib==0.999 pyparsing==2.0.1 pytz==2013.9 six==1.5.2 wsgiref==0.1.2

jbegaint commented 10 years ago

ok my bad, i was missing values in

it's working now. Sorry for the inconvenience

Fantomas42 commented 10 years ago

And is registered in the INSTALLED_APPS ?

jbegaint commented 10 years ago

yes now it is

Fantomas42 commented 10 years ago

Ok perfect !