django-cms / djangocms-bootstrap4

django CMS Bootstrap 4 is a plugin bundle for django CMS providing several components from the popular Bootstrap 4 framework.
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Button tag render #150

Open khrizo opened 2 years ago

khrizo commented 2 years ago

I was trying to get <button></button> rendered in the front end when selecting a button plugin, instead I get <a href=""></a> with class="btn". I'm not sure if there is a better way to do this.

{% if instance.link_type == "btn" %}button{% else %}a href="{{ link }}"{% endif %} Opening tag {% if instance.link_type == "btn" %} data-link="{{ link }}"{% endif %} Optional {% if instance.link_type == "btn" %}button{% else %}a{% endif %} Closing tag

fsbraun commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure why you would prefer a button tag. A button cannot have a href which means you would need to add custom js to make it work. In bootstrap the <a class="btn btn-primary">...</a> is the canonical way to have a link which look like a button. Or am I missing something?