django-crispy-forms / crispy-tailwind

A Tailwind template pack for django-crispy-forms
MIT License
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AttributeError with unknown widgets #73

Closed jeverling closed 3 years ago

jeverling commented 3 years ago

Hi, many thanks for this package! I'm using GooglePointFieldWidget from

This results in an AttributeError in

'CSSContainer' object has no attribute 'googlepointfield'

because googlepointfield is not contained in default_items.

Just setting a fallback for getattr, e.g. getattr(self, widget_name, widget_name) seems to make it work.

toudi commented 3 years ago

I had a similar problem today and for a moment I was hoping that I could override the CSSContainer in the template context. Sadly, that was not possible as context is merely some local context of the theme template. However what I ended up doing was the following: inside one of my apps (called system) I added the following startup code:

from django.apps import AppConfig
from crispy_tailwind.templatetags.tailwind_field import CrispyTailwindFieldNode

class SystemConfig(AppConfig):
    name = "apps.system"

    def ready(self) -> None:
        setattr(CrispyTailwindFieldNode.default_container, "datepicker", "")
        return super().ready()

there are some operator overloads in CSSContainer class but it's already late and I did not quite understood what they were doing. I used a datepicker but I'm sure you get the idea.

of course this is just a monkey patch, but I couldn't think of a better solution for the time being and forking the whole project just to override this single function seemed like a massive overkill.
