django-fluent / django-fluent-contents

A widget engine to display various content on Django pages
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Fluent content + parler integration issue #73

Closed sunjoomoon closed 7 years ago

sunjoomoon commented 8 years ago

Trying both fluent content and parler, following the doc from both repos returns below.

FieldError at /en/admin/fcontent/article/add/

Unknown field(s) (content) specified for Article. Check fields/fieldsets/exclude attributes of class ArticleAdmin.

More details

 .../lib/python2.7/site-packages/parler/ in get_form
            return obj
        def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
            Pass the current language to the form.
                        form_class = super(TranslatableAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)     ...

            if self._has_translatable_model():
                form_class.language_code = self.get_form_language(request, obj)
            return form_class

        def get_urls(self):

▶ Local vars
.../fluent_contents/admin/ in get_form
        placeholder_inline = PlaceholderFieldInline
        def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
            kwargs['formfield_callback'] = partial(
                self.formfield_for_dbfield, request=request, obj=obj)
            return super(PlaceholderFieldAdmin, self).get_form(
                            request, obj=obj, **kwargs)     ...

        def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
            obj = kwargs.pop('obj', None)
            if isinstance(db_field, PlaceholderField):
                kwargs['parent_object'] = obj
            return super(PlaceholderFieldAdmin, self).formfield_for_dbfield(

Seems can not find the field, thus throwing out above. Any work around?

vdboor commented 8 years ago

Do you have simple code examples that trigger this? We're using parler + fluent-contents all the time, and it works just fine in your case..

sunjoomoon commented 8 years ago

Let me try to reproduce the issue with another sandbox in due time.

sunjoomoon commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the long one, Actually I am trying out 3 combinations - parler + contents + mptt. On a fresh reinstallation (entier project, clean DB), the same is produced. It simpley can not find the 'content' field.

FYR, mptt + contents, without using Parler, is working fine without any issues though.

class Page(MPTTModel, TranslatableModel):
    parent = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True,related_name='children')        
    translations = TranslatedFields(
        title = models.CharField(_('Title'), max_length=255, unique=True),
        slug = models.CharField(_('URL'), max_length=255,),
        content = PlaceholderField("article_content"),

            'unique_together': (
                ('slug', 'language_code'),

and in

from django.contrib import admin     
from parler.admin import TranslatableAdmin, TranslatableStackedInline, TranslatableTabularInline   
from parler.forms import TranslatableModelForm, TranslatedField   
from mptt.admin import DraggableMPTTAdmin, MPTTModelAdmin  
from mptt.forms import MPTTAdminForm
from fluent_contents.admin import PlaceholderFieldAdmin, PlaceholderEditorAdmin

class PageAdminForm(MPTTAdminForm, TranslatableModelForm):

class PageAdmin(PlaceholderFieldAdmin, MPTTModelAdmin, TranslatableAdmin):
    form = PageAdminForm

    list_display = ('title',)
    mptt_indent_field = "title"
    mptt_level_indent = 20    

    fieldsets = (
        (None, {
            'fields': ('parent','title', 'slug','content',),

    def get_prepopulated_fields(self, request, obj=None):
        return {'slug': ('title',)},PageAdmin)
vdboor commented 7 years ago

Ah, you don't have to place the PlaceholderField in the translated fields block. It can be assigned to the shared model, as it will detect it's a TranslatableModel.

sunjoomoon commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I did put that outside of the translations as below.

from fluent_contents.models.fields import PlaceholderField, PlaceholderRelation, ContentItemRelation
from fluent_contents.models import ContentItem

class Page(MPTTModel, TranslatableModel):
    parent = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True,related_name='children')        
    translations = TranslatedFields(
        title = models.CharField(_('Title'), max_length=255, unique=True),
        slug = models.CharField(_('URL'), max_length=255,),

            'unique_together': (
                ('slug', 'language_code'),
content = PlaceholderField("article_content")

and now I get below issues when accessing the page in admin u"Key 'content' not found in 'PageForm'"

and in the browser,

Exception Type:     ValueError
Exception Value:    The field 'content' does not refer to a placeholder object!

in template file, something like below

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load i18n mptt_tags static staticfiles %}
{% load fluent_contents_tags %}

{% block page_title %} {{ object.title }}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<div class="detailview">
{% render_placeholder content %}

{% endblock %}

Trying out {% render_placeholder content %} or {% render_placeholder object.content %} or {% render_placeholder page.content %} produce the same issue. Page is the app name.

what should I look into?

sunjoomoon commented 7 years ago

hmm.. I just tried something little, changed the content to another one, fluent_content, and then magically things just worked as expected. Guess something to do with fieldname content which I did something in the first place and then that kept somewhere and got me the issue. Thanks for the attention. Finally got mptt+Parler+Fluent-Contents working, I think.