django-otp / django-otp-yubikey

A django-otp plugin that verifies YubiKey OTP tokens.
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Would you add how to register a YubiKey for a django project #5

Closed clichedmoog closed 1 year ago

clichedmoog commented 3 years ago

Hello, this is a general question: I just don't know how to register a YubiKey device to a django project I've tried using "YubiKey Manager" from the yubico website. and registered new info from the settings for 2nd slot with generated "Private ID", "Secret key" But got an error when after input OTP value: "Invalid token. Please make sure you have entered it correctly."

I've tried many times but got the same result. But with the otp_totp setting, I've succeeded at once. So help is needed. And can I register a YubiKey with a generated OTP by touching the YubiKey's touch switch on the device, like other products(AWS, Facebook)?