django-rea / rea-app

Multi-platform UI application for OVN (Open Value Network) & REA (Resource / Event / Agent) backends- including Sensorica NRP, FreedomCoop OCP, GoPacifica DEEP & eventually django-rea project.
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Mapping mockups to user stories #47

Open fosterlynn opened 7 years ago

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

Not sure the best way to do this, but trying it as a new issue, so it is a snapshot in one place.



Question: What is "Taxonomy" button for?


These I think would go on other pages:

ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

What is "Taxonomy" button for?

Ideally I proposed to insert a taxonomy label (its not a button) to distinguish different processes more easily and to help filter them (so instead of 'taxonomy' think that on each process there is a different word with a different background color that rapresent the specific taxonomy. The taxonomy could be whatever category we decide, like the categories or tags taxonomy in a blog. In a process what could be the best taxonomy to insert in? Could be usefull or we can avoid it at this moment?

ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

As a member of a project, I want to be able to delete a process that has no actual events recorded on it.

As a member of a project, I want to be able to edit details of the process.

Hovering on a process it will appear the 'open' button and the three point icon, if you click on the icon it will appear a dropdown with the other actions you can do on the process, one of them is the delete the process and another is 'edit details' I dont know if it make sense to hidden inside a dropdown this actions or we can display them on hover... I think it depends on how many actions you can perform on a process other than 'open' 'edit' and 'delete' process_dropdown

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

In a process what could be the best taxonomy to insert in?

The one that exists now is called ProcessType. It is flat, not hierarchial, and is 1:m with Process. (In ValueFlows there will probably be more of a taxonomy accessible from anywhere, but later for that....)

bhaugen commented 7 years ago

What is "Taxonomy" button for?

Ideally I proposed to insert a taxonomy label (its not a button) to distinguish different processes more easily and to help filter them (so instead of 'taxonomy' think that on each process there is a different word with a different background color that rapresent the specific taxonomy.

The one that exists now is called ProcessType.

@ivanminutillo what did you have in mind for a taxonomy label? The ProcessType might tell you something, but is often duplicated in the process name. But processes have a lot of info you could use for a label: the context_agent tells you which project or other org it's for, it might be part of a work order to make something (we can create a method to tell you that), or we could construct something from some properties, or add something new.

ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

As a person, I want to see all the projects I am allowed to subscribe to.


ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

@ivanminutillo what did you have in mind for a taxonomy label? The ProcessType might tell you something, but is often duplicated in the process name. But processes have a lot of info you could use for a label: the context_agent tells you which project or other org it's for, it might be part of a work order to make something (we can create a method to tell you that), or we could construct something from some properties, or add something new.

maybe becouse of we do not have still an urgent need of a "taxonomy" under each process we can use a label to identify the status of a process : finished or this update screenshot:

screen shot 2017-05-16 at 13 55 36
ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

I've updated the process page with some missing stories... processpage

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

maybe becouse of we do not have still an urgent need of a "taxonomy" under each process we can use a label to identify the status of a process : finished or this update screenshot:

I wonder if people will really want to see their finished processes? There has to be some way to get to them, but can it be the exception, not what you generally see on your processes page?

I've updated the process page with some missing stories...


bhaugen commented 7 years ago

I think I would want to see my unfinished processes as the default, and finishe processes separately (as history).

ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

here a proposal for 'create new process' page. I imagined 3 step to create a new process, in the first step you have to insert the process general information, than in the 2step you have to add new sub-tasks and then in the 3step you have the overview of the unpublished process and if it's all ok you can publish it... these are the first 2 steps, what do you think about? I've missed something? createnewprocess


ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

Let's recap... On this current epic, these are the missing features to implement in order to close it:

I am deliberately avoiding the simple task, as I would like to merge them as "process without an output"... does it make sense for you?

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

I am deliberately avoiding the simple task, as I would like to merge them as "process without an output"... does it make sense for you?


fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

As a user I want to delete a process with no events logged in

I think more permissions: either creator of the process or superuser?

As a user I want to edit a planned event on a process if no logs was done on it

Should it be OK to edit it even if there are events logged? I think so.

And we need a way to delete events, if you created the event, or superuser?

As a user I want to delete a personal commitment

Meaning a commitment that you created, right? (or superuser)

As a user I want to mark a process as finished


ivanminutillo commented 7 years ago

I think more permissions: either creator of the process or superuser?

Are permissions already working on the backend?

Should it be OK to edit it even if there are events logged? I think so. And we need a way to delete events, if you created the event, or superuser?


Meaning a commitment that you created, right? (or superuser)


fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

Are permissions already working on the backend?

Nope, gotta do that!! @pospi seemed to think the backend shouldn't tell the UI about the permissions / authorization, but to me it makes sense to encapsulate that on the backend so other UIs would follow the same rules and not have to re-code that logic. What do you think @ivanminutillo @bhaugen others? Is there a standard practice for this? (In OCP, the logic is repeated in the UI and the backend.)

The backend could include permissions in query results related to the user. Would need some standard way to do it.

fosterlynn commented 7 years ago

And we need a way to delete events, if you created the event, or superuser?


one or the other