django / django-docker-box

Run the Django test suite across all supported databases and python versions
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Oracle setup seems to be broken. #4

Open charettes opened 4 years ago

charettes commented 4 years ago

It looks like referenced image is not publicly available anymore

docker-compose run oracle-db
Pulling oracle-db (sath89/oracle-12c:)...
ERROR: pull access denied for sath89/oracle-12c, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied is a 404

orf commented 4 years ago

Honestly, I think we should bite the bullet and try to use the official Oracle image from the Oracle container registry.

What's unfortunate is we will not be able to run this on the CI though. I'm guessing these public docker images break some kind of licensing, which is why they are being removed. See: and the linked issue

oduvan commented 3 years ago

any progress with that?

InvalidInterrupt commented 3 years ago

I've hacked together a version that uses 18c XE at that may be suitable for local testing. It also works around the sudo issue in the entrypint script.

There was some discussion regarding Oracle making XE images officially (and maybe publicly?) available here:

awtimmering commented 2 years ago

truevoly/oracle-12c seems to have been around for 3 years. Could we switch to that for the time being in our docker-compose.yml? Looks like a PR for that change has been sitting since 2019.

jpnauta commented 1 year ago

For anyone else looking into using this project to run Oracle: the latest version of Django (5.0) requires Oracle 19 or later - as such, neither sath89/oracle-12c nor truevoly/oracle-12c will work anymore.

If anyone attempts to fix this in the future, here are some tips:

Good luck to you! Gotta love Oracle 🙄

ngnpope commented 1 month ago

For anyone interested in this, I have Oracle working on the main branch of my fork.

I have a bunch of tidying up to do, but hopefully in the coming months we can get it rolled back in upstream.

charettes commented 1 month ago

Super exciting stuff @ngnpope that would make building new features on Oracle less of a pain for sure. Let me know if you want someone to QA your work locally when you're done tidying it up.