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Time slots on workshop attendance page are 2hrs before the official schedule #320

Closed bartoszgrabski closed 5 years ago

bartoszgrabski commented 5 years ago

Time slots on page are 2 hours before what's in schedule (UTC ?).

Example: Building a Serverless Django Application - Thursday 08:45-09:45 Official schedule and workshop page ( shows 10:45-11:45

benjaoming commented 5 years ago

Thanks! We have been jumping around between UTC and local time for the Django project settings and didn't notice this.

benjaoming commented 5 years ago

@rixx do you know the danger of running PreTalx with TIME_ZONE not set to "UTC"? I recall this was a setting that was recommended not to change?

benjaoming commented 5 years ago

Thanks again for reporting this @bartoszgrabski - I can confirm that it's fixed now. AFAIK we don't display dates and times to users anywhere else currently *)... but would be nice not to repeat the mistake in 2 days, so if we can fix this properly in the Django settings, we'll do that :)

*) We do of course in PreTalx, but it has its own timezone awareness.

rixx commented 5 years ago

@benjaoming pretalx should not be affected by a different TIME_ZONE setting, and changing it shouuuld be safe too.

benjaoming commented 5 years ago

Super nice, thanks @rixx

I tried changing it in development and the schedule and everything remained fine and intact.