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Publish the schedule #143

Closed drewbrew closed 1 year ago

drewbrew commented 1 year ago


  1. Add schedule to nav
  2. Add schedule to home page buttons
  3. Make high-level home page schedule clickable
  4. Add schedule page to sitemap
  5. Update @kojoidrissa's bio
  6. Write initial blog post announcing the schedule; @jcjudkins please make it your own
  7. Add opening/closing remarks and orientation to schedule
  8. Docs update

NOTE: Don't merge this until late Thursday or very early Friday

drewbrew commented 1 year ago



mtrythall commented 1 year ago

My push here include a minor CSS tweak to spacing between speakers and adds my own headshot. I did some quick testing and everything seems fine. Changes this year were mostly around colors.

drewbrew commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @mtrythall! Works for me