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GitHub actions failing for people who don't have write access #9

Open drewbrew opened 2 months ago

drewbrew commented 2 months ago

See the runs here:

drewbrew commented 2 months ago

we don't actually want deploying to GH pages to happen on every PR, right?

mtrythall commented 2 months ago

@drewbrew Probably not. I set it up this way when I was rapidly prototyping.

What would you like to see? Build only on push to gh-pages?

drewbrew commented 2 months ago

Maybe build on push to check for errors, only deploy on main?

jefftriplett commented 2 months ago

This deploy on PR is fixed.

I re-opened this so we don't lose what should happen with a PR. Maybe it should build so we see errors or some a linter?

drewbrew commented 2 months ago

Yeah, if there's a lint option, I'm all for it