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Add event handling feature #3

Closed salty-ivy closed 3 weeks ago

salty-ivy commented 1 month ago

Cc: @DevilsAutumn Expected functionalities:

HarshRaj2717 commented 1 month ago

Hey @DevilsAutumn , @salty-ivy Where should we store the cover images? Store on server or add in some 3rd party storage (like GCP, or something). Storing on backend server isn't a good idea imo.

DevilsAutumn commented 1 month ago

@HarshRaj2717 We'll be storing them on AWS.

salty-ivy commented 1 month ago

Storing on backend server isn't a good idea imo.

Yes definitely, Are we planning to keep the AWS storage code on front-end directly keeping the architecture partitional? thought?

salty-ivy commented 1 month ago

My original thought was to keep the direct upload and storing mechanism in react itself and whatever ID has been formed after storing, we can store that in table.

Since whole thing is based on API that's directly upload to backend would break the standard of it.

HarshRaj2717 commented 1 month ago
  • Admins should be able to create events from admin panel.

But we aren't making any frontend for creating events right ? I can add the code to upload to AWS on the backend itself.

salty-ivy commented 1 month ago
  • Admins should be able to create events from admin panel.

But we aren't making any frontend for creating events right ? I can add the code to upload to AWS on the backend itself.

I see so client side would only be fetching the details? then it seems great!

DevilsAutumn commented 1 month ago

My original thought was to keep the direct upload and storing mechanism in react itself and whatever ID has been formed after storing, we can store that in table.

Yes but that might add little complications on frontend as one api call be there to upload to aws bucket and then another to backend for updating the ID. Lets upload files to aws from backend itself.

But we aren't making any frontend for creating events right ?

No, we'll be using django's inbuilt admin panel.

HarshRaj2717 commented 1 month ago

Yeps, client will focus on interacting with the end user only.