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Register UserQuestionResponse and UserSurveyResponse in the admin. #352

Open Pradhvan opened 3 months ago

Pradhvan commented 3 months ago

Add UserQuestionResponse and UserSurveyResponse in home/

Closes #332

Pradhvan commented 3 months ago

I have just added models with all the fields and no filters. Please let me know if those are needed here. Will modify the PR. 😃

sarahboyce commented 3 months ago

Thank you for picking this up!

Would love some screenshots ❤️ I think both of these shouldn't be edittable and we maybe shouldn't be able to add entries

tim-schilling commented 3 months ago

Let's go ahead and use raw id fields or autocomplete fields for the user relationships ( if they exist). Dropdowns won't work with more than 500ish results.