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PyPI package pulls #125

Closed jeffsmohan closed 13 years ago

jeffsmohan commented 13 years ago

Remaining Issues:

pydanny commented 13 years ago

Absolutely brillant work. This will serve as an excellent foundation for us going forward. The core of this will be driving out PyPI integration on Packaginator.

However, because some stuff we've introduced and will introduce with packaginator conflicts with part of this pull request, even with heavy edits I may not be able to directly accept this pull request. What I will be doing is integrating large - nay giant portions of this into Packaginator and I'll make sure you are fully credited for your hard work.

pydanny commented 13 years ago

Would you be up to hacking on this PyPI stuff this weekend? We could sit together and just get it done in a trivial amount of time and make it work in Packaginator.

jeffsmohan commented 13 years ago

No worries! I can't imagine trying to organize and merge 15 people working at the same time on such a small codebase. The good news is that most of the pypi app you should be able to pluck and out throw back in without a lot of changes. Then you just have to worry about how it's talking to the package model, which presumably is the model that's changing out from under our feet.

Anyway, me and my friend are supposed to be working hard-core this whole weekend on our side project. But I can probably spare a half day or so to knock this stuff out with you. When were you thinking?


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:15 AM, pydanny wrote:

Would you be up to hacking on this PyPI stuff this weekend? We could sit together and just get it done in a trivial amount of time and make it work in Packaginator.

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pydanny commented 13 years ago

Jeff - I'm throwing a couple guys at this here at the sprint. They are looking at your work and will be bringing parts of it in.

jeffsmohan commented 13 years ago

Cool. Consider it entirely bequeathed to your care. You and your fellow sprinters are free to use it or not however you see fit. And if you decide you'd like me to work on it a bit more after the sprints, let me know!

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 3:38 PM, pydanny wrote:

Jeff - I'm throwing a couple guys at this here at the sprint. They are looking at your work and will be bringing parts of it in.

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