djangopackages-zz / djangopackages

Django Packages - a place to review Django apps, frameworks, and projects.
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Allow screenshots of features #36

Closed vdboor closed 13 years ago

vdboor commented 13 years ago

Many django packages in general are described briefly, making it hard to grasp what the package does. How about promoting the use of screenshots, in order to make it easier to see what a package does?

pydanny commented 13 years ago

Who is the actual legal owner of a package and if we can't determine that, how do we keep out porn.

Believe it or not, these are serious questions.

vdboor commented 13 years ago

good point, fully understand this might not be implemented!

vdboor commented 13 years ago

hmm. would it make sense to extract existing screenshots from the web pages? (e.g. from github pages after a succesful pull).

pydanny commented 13 years ago

So do screenshots of github pages? Pages of code? Or assume that the developers using github/bitbucket and eventually launchpad/sourceforge put up-to-date screen shots and those images get scraped?

Alas, I don't think this will work. Current public repo systems just don't support the functionality we want and don't have an API to support this sort of action.