djangopackages-zz / djangopackages

Django Packages - a place to review Django apps, frameworks, and projects.
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Pagination #62

Closed zen4ever closed 13 years ago

zen4ever commented 13 years ago

I've noticed that "Apps" page loads too long since it has almost 500 apps now. So I've added pagination to the category page. jQuery tablesort would only sort entries that are on the page, so I've changed the table to use django-sorting. Let me know if it is something you can use, or I need to change anything.


pydanny commented 13 years ago

This is really good except for the two pull requests I commented on. If you could resubmit without the and changing static controls I would be delighted to include it. :)

The static controls will be changing soon with our forthcoming migration to 1.3.