djangopbx /

DjangoPBX - Installer for the full-featured domain based multi-tenant PBX driven by Django and FreeSwitch.
MIT License
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cloud sql possibility #11

Open bonviesinfo opened 4 months ago

bonviesinfo commented 4 months ago

Hi ,

If I would like to install with cloud sql and not install to local postresql . Is there any modifing to do that ?

thank you.

AdrianFretwell commented 4 months ago

Hi, You can set install_postgresql_local="no" in the configuration section of the install script. This will prevent PostgreSQL from being installed locally. The database password should still get generated automatically. They get written to /root/djangopbx-passwords for reference. When you get to the point in the installer where it asks "Use requirements.txt to install dependencies", pause at that point and manually edit your pbx/ file to put in the details of your cloud database resource. (You will only get one change to get this right). You should then be able to answer Y and the installer will continue the set up.

There is no guarantee this will work for you because it is an untested scenario, but hopefully it will get you somewhere close.

Kind regards, Adrian.