djangw / webkit-android

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Binaries for Windows #1

Open niutech opened 7 years ago

niutech commented 7 years ago

Could you please provide a compiled binary release of Webkit on Windows, so that we could compare it with other engines in HTML5 Test and other benchmarks? Thanks a lot!

djangw commented 7 years ago

I will provide binaries ASAP, but I'd like to ask first: What do you want to use it for? I have to tell you that this project is not ready for products yet. And thanks a lot too! :)

niutech commented 7 years ago

I was wondering if it could be used as a lightweight engine for a desktop web browser (a la Otter Browser). The original QtWebKit is outdated and the new QtWebEngine is based on Chromium, which is a memory hog.

djangw commented 7 years ago

Interesting. For now this project mainly focuses on Android platforms and Windows binaries work like an Android emulator - You'll see mobile pages on the MiniBrowser. Of course Windows build can work in different ways and I'd like to support your browser, but there are missing key features, which mean a lot of hard work - You need to see this as long term.

I wish this WebKit project to become an alternative to Chromium, which is just too much. So please keep watching this project. I'll let you know when the binaries are available. Nice work you've done by the way - I like your browser. :)

djangw commented 7 years ago

Here is the dropbox link to the Windows binaries. Unfortunately, The MiniBrowser doesn't have an address bar for now. It defaults to load You can load an another url by giving it as a command line argument to MiniBrowser.exe. e.g. MiniBrowser.exe

niutech commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much!

I have roughly tested Webkit-Android and it scored 332 points in HTML5 Test and 3712 points in Octane benchmark. It took only ~140 MB RAM when loading the website, but there is a memory leak of +1MB per couple of seconds.

That said, the results are promising.

djangw commented 7 years ago

Sounds good. I hope you could write a browser for Android with this WebKit someday - As well as your Otter Browser. Right now I'm tackling the Video and OpenGL thing, which is a headache on Android devices. I'll release more binaries when this project became more useful. Thanks for your feedback :)