djcas9 / komanda

The IRC Client For Developers
MIT License
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Fix build and package grunt tasks #247

Closed Alex-D closed 3 years ago

Alex-D commented 8 years ago

Because I'm on Windows 10 and the exe on is outdated and I can't rebuild from master because it's bugged, I've fix some things in gruntfile :

Alex-D commented 7 years ago

Package seems to be not maintained so I drop by fork and I let here the Gruntfile.js content which I have submit in this PR for anyone want it.

var rimraf = require("rimraf");
var targz = require('tar.gz');
var fs = require("fs-extra");
var util = require("util");

  encoding: "utf8",
  timeout: 0,
  maxBuffer: false,
  killSignal: "SIGTERM",
  cwd: null,
  env: null

var parseBuildPlatforms = function(argumentPlatform) {
  // this will make it build no platform when the platform option is specified
  // without a value which makes argumentPlatform into a boolean
  var inputPlatforms = argumentPlatform || process.platform + ";" + process.arch;

  // Do some scrubbing to make it easier to match in the regexes bellow
  inputPlatforms = inputPlatforms.replace("darwin", "mac");
  inputPlatforms = inputPlatforms.replace(/;ia|;x|;arm/, "");
  if (process.arch === "x64") {
    inputPlatforms = inputPlatforms.replace("32", "64");

  var buildAll = /^all$/.test(inputPlatforms);

  var buildPlatforms = {
    mac: /mac/.test(inputPlatforms) || buildAll,
    win32: /win32/.test(inputPlatforms) || buildAll,
    win64: /win64/.test(inputPlatforms) || buildAll,
    linux32: /linux32/.test(inputPlatforms) || buildAll,
    linux64: /linux64/.test(inputPlatforms) || buildAll

  return buildPlatforms;

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  "use strict";

  var buildPlatforms = parseBuildPlatforms(grunt.option("platforms"));
  var currentVersion = grunt.file.readJSON("package.json").version;

  // buildPlatforms = parseBuildPlatforms(grunt.option("platforms"))
  var packageJson = grunt.file.readJSON("package.json");
  var _VERSION = packageJson.version;

  grunt.log.writeln("Building " + packageJson.version);

    // Wipe out previous builds and test reporting.
    clean: {
      all: [
      some: [

    handlebars: {
      compile: {
        options: {
          amd: true,
          namespace: "Templates",
          partialsUseNamespace: true,
          processName: function(filePath) {
            var file = filePath.replace(/.*\/(\w+)\.hbs/, "$1");
            return file;
        files: {
          "app/templates.js": ["app/templates/*.hbs"]

    // Run your source code through JSHint"s defaults.
    jshint: {
      jshintrc: ".jshint",
      options: {
        smarttabs: true,
        proto: true,
        eqnull: true,
        quotmark: "double"
      all: [

    // This task uses James Burke"s excellent r.js AMD builder to take all
    // modules and concatenate them into a single file.
    requirejs: {
      release: {
        options: {
          mainConfigFile: "app/config.js",
          generateSourceMaps: false,
          include: ["main"],
          out: "build/komanda-source/komanda.js",
          optimize: "uglify2",

          // Since we bootstrap with nested `require` calls this option allows
          // R.js to find them.
          findNestedDependencies: true,

          // Include a minimal AMD implementation shim.
          name: "almond",

          // Setting the base url to the distribution directory allows the
          // Uglify minification process to correctly map paths for Source
          // Maps.
          baseUrl: "build/komanda-source/app",

          // Wrap everything in an IIFE.
          wrap: true,

          // Do not preserve any license comments when working with source
          // maps.  These options are incompatible.
          preserveLicenseComments: false

    // This task simplifies working with CSS inside Backbone Boilerplate
    // projects.  Instead of manually specifying your stylesheets inside the
    // HTML, you can use `@imports` and this task will concatenate only those
    // paths.
    styles: {
      // Out the concatenated contents of the following styles into the below
      // development file path.
      "build/komanda-source/komanda.css": {
        // Point this to where your `index.css` file is location.
        src: "app/styles/index.css",

        // The relative path to use for the @imports.
        paths: ["app/styles"],

        // Rewrite image paths during release to be relative to the `img`
        // directory.
        // forceRelative: [ "/app/images/", "/app/fonts" ]

    // Minify the distribution CSS.
    cssmin: {
      release: {
        files: {
          "build/komanda-source/komanda.css": ["build/komanda-source/komanda.css"]

    server: {
      options: {
        host: "",
        port: 8000

      development: {},

      release: {
        options: {
          prefix: "build/komanda-source"

      test: {
        options: {
          forever: false,
          port: 8001

    processhtml: {
      release: {
        files: {
          "build/komanda-source/index.html": ["index.html"]

    // Move vendor and app logic during a build.
    copy: {
      release: {
        files: [
            src: "package.json",
            dest: "build/komanda-source/package.json"
            src: ["app/**"],
            dest: "build/komanda-source/"
            src: "vendor/**",
            dest: "build/komanda-source/"
            src: "themes/**",
            dest: "build/komanda-source/"

    compress: {
      release: {
        options: {
          archive: "build/komanda-source/komanda.js.gz"

        files: ["build/komanda-source/komanda.js"]

    nodewebkit: {
      options: {
        version: "0.12.1",
        appName: "Komanda",
        appVersion: "1.0.0.beta",
        buildDir: "./build",
        cacheDir: "./build/cache",
        platforms: ["osx", "win32", "win64", "linux32", "linux64"],
        macIcns: "app/styles/images/logo/komanda.icns",
        macCredits: "credits.html",
        // winIco: "app/styles/images/logo/komanda.ico"
        winIco: null
      // src: ["./**/*"],
      src: [
        // "./node_modules/irc/**/*",

    exec: {
      win32: {
        cmd: '"build/cache/<%= nodewebkit.options.version %>/win32/nw.exe" .'
      win64: {
        cmd: '"build/cache/<%= nodewebkit.options.version %>/win64/nw.exe" .'
      mac: {
        cmd: "build/cache/<%= nodewebkit.options.version %>/osx/ ."
      linux32: {
        cmd: "build/cache/<%= nodewebkit.options.version %>/linux32/nw ."
      linux64: {
        cmd: "build/cache/<%= nodewebkit.options.version %>/linux64/nw ."
      createDmg: {
        cmd: "dist/mac/yoursway-create-dmg/create-dmg --volname \"Komanda " + currentVersion + "\" --background ./dist/mac/background.png --window-size 480 540 --icon-size 128 --app-drop-link 240 370 --icon \"Komanda\" 240 110 ./build/releases/Komanda/osx/Komanda-" + currentVersion + "-Mac.dmg ./build/releases/Komanda/osx/"
      createWinInstall: {
        cmd: "makensis dist/windows/installer.nsi"
      createWinUpdate: {
        cmd: "makensis dist/windows/updater.nsi"

    shell: {
      npm: {
        options: {
          stdout: false,
          stderr: false,
          stdin: false
        command: "npm install"
      runnw: {
        options: {
          stdout: false,
          stderr: false,
          stdin: false
        command: "./build/cache/0.10.2/osx/ . > /dev/null 2>&1"

      linux64: {
        options: {
          stdout: false,
          stderr: false,
          stdin: false,
        command: "./build/cache/0.10.2/linux64/nw ./build/komanda-source/"

      linux32: {
        options: {
          stdout: false,
          stderr: false,
          stdin: false,
        command: "./build/cache/0.10.2/linux32/nw ./build/komanda-source/"

      create_dmg: {
        options: {
          stdout: true
        command: "./dist/mac/yoursway-create-dmg/create-dmg --volname \"Komanda " + _VERSION + "\" --background ./dist/mac/background.png --window-size 480 540 --icon-size 128 --app-drop-link 240 370 --icon \"Komanda\" 240 110 ./build/releases/Komanda/osx/Komanda-" + _VERSION + ".dmg ./build/releases/Komanda/osx/"

    revision: {
      options: {
        property: "revision",
        ref: "HEAD",
        short: true

    replace: {
      revision: {
        options: {
          patterns: [{
            match: "GIT_REVISION",
            replacement: "<%= revision %>"
        files: [{
          src: "build/komanda-source/app/main.js",
          dest: "build/komanda-source/app/main.js"

  grunt.registerTask("cleanBuildDir", "remove unneeded files from the build dir.", function() {

    fs.copySync("build/komanda-source/app/styles/images", "build/komanda-source/images");
    fs.copySync("build/komanda-source/app/styles/fonts", "build/komanda-source/fonts");
    fs.copySync("build/komanda-source/app/sounds", "build/komanda-source/sounds");
    fs.copySync("build/komanda-source/vendor/bower/octicons/octicons", "build/komanda-source/fonts/octicons/");
    fs.copySync("node_modules/irc/", "build/komanda-source/node_modules/irc/");
    fs.copySync("node_modules/gitter-marked/", "build/komanda-source/node_modules/gitter-marked/");
    fs.copySync("node_modules/highlight.js/", "build/komanda-source/node_modules/highlight.js/");



  // Grunt contribution tasks.

  // Third-party tasks.

  grunt.registerTask("default", []);

  grunt.registerTask("build", function(platforms) {
    var targetPlatforms = parseBuildPlatforms(platforms);
    // Overwrite initial nodewebkit.options.platforms array with the
    // platforms returned by parseBuildPlatforms
    var targetPlatformsArray = [];
    Object.keys(targetPlatforms).forEach(function(target) {
      if (targetPlatforms[target]) {
        // grunt-node-webkit-builder doesn't understand `mac`,
        // so map it to `osx` before adding it to the array
        if (target === "mac") {
          target = "osx";
    grunt.config.set("nodewebkit.options.platforms", targetPlatformsArray);[

  grunt.registerTask("komanda-package", function(platforms) {
    try {
    } catch(e) {}
    var done = this.async();

    var builds = {
      "linux32": "komanda-linux-32-current.tar.gz",
      "linux64": "komanda-linux-64-current.tar.gz",
      "osx32": "komanda-osx32-current.tar.gz",
      "osx64": "komanda-osx64-current.tar.gz",
      "win32": "komanda-win32-current.tar.gz",
      "win64": "komanda-win64-current.tar.gz"

    platforms = platforms || grunt.config.get("nodewebkit.options.platforms") || Object.keys(builds);

    var i;
    platforms.forEach(function(i) {
      var b = builds[i];

      var compress = new targz().compress('build/Komanda/' + i, 'package/' + b, function(err) {
        if (err) {


  grunt.registerTask("build-all", function(platforms) {[

  grunt.registerTask("run", function() {
    var start = parseBuildPlatforms();
    if (start.win32) {"run:win32");
    } else if (start.win64) {"run:win64");
    } else if (start.mac) {"run:mac");
    } else if (start.linux32) {"run:linux32");
    } else if (start.linux64) {"run:linux64");
    } else {
      grunt.log.writeln("OS not supported.");

  grunt.registerTask("run:mac", [

  grunt.registerTask("run:win32", [

  grunt.registerTask("run:win64", [

  grunt.registerTask("run:linux32", [

  grunt.registerTask("run:linux64", [