Prompted by my confirming that Unei's Stoneskin is exactly 20% max HP but not seeing anywhere to note that. I'm not sure where the best place for this info is:
Where I put it here? (disadvantage: it pushes the gold chest info far away from the bronze/silver entries)
Separate section in this page?
Section in the pomanders page?
Separate page entirely? (seems a bit short to merit a separate page of its own)
Please also confirm that Inferno is the right name for the Ifrit magicite - JP calls them by the summon name instead ("Ifrit/Titan/Garuda magicite") so I have no easy way to check.
Prompted by my confirming that Unei's Stoneskin is exactly 20% max HP but not seeing anywhere to note that. I'm not sure where the best place for this info is:
Please also confirm that Inferno is the right name for the Ifrit magicite - JP calls them by the summon name instead ("Ifrit/Titan/Garuda magicite") so I have no easy way to check.