djcysmic / NeopixelBusFX

NeopixelBusFX plugin for ESPEasy
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Please connect stripe to GPIO2! #6

Closed ozett closed 2 years ago

ozett commented 5 years ago

is the gpio hard-coded? is there an option to change this (in actual espeasy-builds, maybe)

ozett commented 5 years ago

if i use DMA-Method, i get erros while compiling for my wemos mini d1 with the espeasymega source.

#define METHOD NeoEsp8266Uart800KbpsMethod //GPIO2 - use NeoEsp8266Dma800KbpsMethod for GPIO3(TX)
//#define METHOD NeoEsp8266Dma800KbpsMethod //GPIO3(TX)

is it a hardware issue, or something with the plugin-code? any hint to investigate?

the error-messages suggest me to disable plugin 008, and than 003...there are conflicts. (maybe i can use the uart-method, but the pixel did not light up on my first try)

(it works, as long as i use the P042 neopixel candle, which has this hardware-definition:

Candle_pixels = new Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_PIXEL, Settings.TaskDevicePin1[event->TaskIndex], NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800


ozett commented 5 years ago

i will read more about pins and methods and try something out:

ozett commented 5 years ago

the pixel are off by default, default method worked, i read a little in the fhem thread. this one helped me:,73949.msg755779.html#msg755779 it says: go to "tools" on espeasy and send the command: nfx kitt ff0000

it worked. this encouraged me to try to send this via mqtt... i will report

ozett commented 5 years ago

MQTT worked! 😸 👍

 /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx kitt ff0000"
ozett commented 5 years ago

very helpful to use rules to get the stripes lighing up on boot:,73949.msg773128.html#msg773128

On System#Boot do