djcysmic / NeopixelBusFX

NeopixelBusFX plugin for ESPEasy
27 stars 7 forks source link

update for optional MQTT? #9

Closed ozett closed 2 years ago

ozett commented 5 years ago

i dont want to bother, but as i am exited with your plugin and found out that MQTT-cmds work with ESPeasy to control your plugin, it is maybe helpful to mention this to others in the doku?

i had some trouble finding the right syntax on ESP-Wiki and on some plugins. maybe some example helps others.

i tried calling some effects with MQTT successfull 😸

olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx dualwipe ff00 0000ff 3"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx wipe ff00 0000ff 3"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx wipe ff00 0000ff 50"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx wipe ff0000 0000ff 50"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx sparkle ff0000 0000ff 50"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx sparkle ff0000 0000ff 20"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx twinklefade ff0000 0000ff 20"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx twinklefade ff0000 0000ff 80"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx twinklefade ff0000 60 80"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx twinklefade ff0000 60 150"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx theatre ff0000 50"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx fire 15 128 128 128"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx simpleclock ff0000 0000ff 00ff00 0ffff0 f0000f"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx dim 128"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx dim 32"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx colorfade ff0000 0000fff 60"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx colorfade ff0000 0000fff 1 128"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx fade ff0000 60"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx fade ff0000 6"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx fade ff0000 6 8"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx dim 32"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx rainbow 20"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx rainbow 50"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx rainbow 5"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx rainbow 2"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx dim 8"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx simpleclock ff0000 0000ff 00ff00 0ffff0 f0000f"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx simpleclock"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx off"
olaf@deb8mpd-virt:~$ /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t ESP/014_test_led/cmd -m "nfx simpleclock"

image: image

wonderful plugin, thanx

ozett commented 5 years ago

it belongs to espeasy, but as you coded a plugin for this, maybe also helpful to mention another way to control the plugin?

(beside the cmd-box unter the tools-tab in the webgui),dim,16
sparkescreative commented 5 years ago

Well done. Thanks to you I've managed to get Homebridge and my MQTT broker to pass messages to this plugin which allows me to control my lights etc...

But I have't figured out how to get the plugin status back to homebridge. I can't seem to find the outgoing MQTT messages from this espeasy plugin to the MQTT broker.

Did you manage it?

Are the plugin variables sent to the controller?

djcysmic commented 5 years ago

Thank you. You should get a JSON message as answer in the topic ".../status".