djdembeck / Audnexus.bundle

An Audnexus client proof of concept for Plex, providing rich author and audiobook data. Developed in Python, offering enhanced user experiences via Plex's legacy plugin agent system.
GNU General Public License v3.0
480 stars 21 forks source link

Matching audiobooks no longer possible #92

Closed WeisseTeetasse closed 1 year ago

WeisseTeetasse commented 1 year ago

Since today's gitpull matching audiobooks is no longer possible via 'match' context menu setting. Search instantly returns with nothing found. Running on Debian 11/latest stable pms


2023-03-10 15:17:02,345 (7f284e744b38) : DEBUG (model:234) - Deserializing from /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/Artists/1/da8174c833edd4ed90ff9175a83eedef585412f.bundle/Contents/com.plexapp.agents.audnexus/Info.xml 2023-03-10 15:17:02,349 (7f284e744b38) : CRITICAL (agentkit:1018) - Exception in the search function of agent named 'Audnexus Agent', called with keyword arguments {'parentID': '110581', 'year': None, 'id': '110584', 'name': 'Tyranny of Faith', 'parentGUID': 'com.plexapp.agents.audnexus://B00USHZDJ8?lang=en'} (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plug-ins-77dfff442/Framework.bundle/Contents/Resources/Versions/2/Python/Framework/api/", line 1011, in _search*f_args, **f_kwargs) File "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/Audnexus.bundle/Contents/Code/", line 265, in search quick_match_asin = search_helper.check_for_asin() File "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/Audnexus.bundle/Contents/Code/", line 50, in check_for_asin'utf8') File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Python/", line 1235, in unquote bits = s.split('%') AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

plmcgrn commented 1 year ago

Adding on, since I'm hitting this too. This is on a fresh git clone, as well.

Manual search

2023-03-18 00:57:27,083 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - Custom album search for: Fracture
2023-03-18 00:57:27,083 (7ff8a945db38) :  CRITICAL (agentkit:1018) - Exception in the search function of agent named 'Audnexus Agent', called with keyword arguments {'parentID': '11070', 'year': None, 'id': '17153', 'name': 'Fracture', 'parentGUID': 'com.plexapp.agents.audnexus://B005NE2K7E?lang=en'} (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plug-ins-a607d384f/Framework.bundle/Contents/Resources/Versions/2/Python/Framework/api/", line 1011, in _search*f_args, **f_kwargs)
  File "/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/Audnexus.bundle/Contents/Code/", line 265, in search
    quick_match_asin = search_helper.check_for_asin()
  File "/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/Audnexus.bundle/Contents/Code/", line 50, in check_for_asin'utf8')
  File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Python/", line 1235, in unquote
    bits = s.split('%')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

Auto search (I noticed this is ignoring my manually-set album/sort album, and using the audio metadata in teh file itself, even though I have "Prefer Local Metadata" disabled.

2023-03-18 01:04:15,080 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (runtime:88) - Sending packed state data (108 bytes)
2023-03-18 01:04:15,080 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (runtime:924) - Response: [200] str, 16 bytes
2023-03-18 01:04:26,830 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.audnexus/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlNlYXJjaA__/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_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%40bGFuZz1lbnMxMApwYXJlbnRHVUlEczUKMTEwNzBzOApwYXJlbnRJRHM4CjI3MjM1NjA0czgKZHVyYXRpb25uczUKdGl0bGVzNQoxNzE1M3MyCmlkcjAK
2023-03-18 01:04:26,831 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (runtime:49) - Received packed state data (80 bytes)
2023-03-18 01:04:26,832 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /:/plugins/com.plexapp.agents.audnexus/messaging/function/X0FnZW50S2l0OlNlYXJjaA__/Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmxpc3QKMApyMAo_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@bGFuZz1lbnMxMApwYXJlbnRHVUlEczUKMTEwNzBzOApwYXJlbnRJRHM4CjI3MjM1NjA0czgKZHVyYXRpb25uczUKdGl0bGVzNQoxNzE1M3MyCmlkcjAK
2023-03-18 01:04:26,833 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (agentkit:961) - Searching for matches for {'album': 'Fracture Bk 1', 'index': '1', 'openSubtitlesHash': '9aea5c9e512e895b', 'artist': 'Megan Miranda', 'parentID': '11070', 'filename': '%2Fmedia%2Faudiobooks%2FMegan%20Miranda%2FFracture%2FMegan%20Miranda%20-%20Fracture%201%20-%20Fracture%2Emp3', 'parentGUID': 'com.plexapp.agents.audnexus://B005NE2K7E?lang=en', 'plexHash': '6e78536cdb179aa36e1bca371406ec780566b79c', 'duration': '27235604', 'title': None, 'id': '17153'}
2023-03-18 01:04:26,833 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (networking:143) - Requesting ''
2023-03-18 01:04:26,838 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (model:32) - Loading model with GUID com.plexapp.agents.audnexus://B005NE2K7E?lang=en
2023-03-18 01:04:26,838 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (model:234) - Deserializing from /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/Artists/3/4e57b8be7a114d2928d00249a06731b22cd735b.bundle/Contents/com.plexapp.agents.audnexus/Info.xml
2023-03-18 01:04:26,839 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - -----------------------------------ALBUM SEARCH-----------------------------------
2023-03-18 01:04:26,839 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - ID                  B005NE2K7E_us
2023-03-18 01:04:26,840 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - Title               Fracture
2023-03-18 01:04:26,840 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - Album               Fracture Bk 1
2023-03-18 01:04:26,840 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - Artist              Megan Miranda
2023-03-18 01:04:26,841 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-03-18 01:04:26,841 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - Region Override: us
2023-03-18 01:04:26,843 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (networking:138) - Fetching ',product_desc,product_attrs&num_results=25&products_sort_by=Relevance&title=Fracture%20Bk%201&author=Megan%20Miranda' from the HTTP cache
2023-03-18 01:04:26,844 (7ff8a945db38) :  INFO (sandbox:19) - No results found for query "Fracture Bk 1"
2023-03-18 01:04:26,845 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (runtime:88) - Sending packed state data (108 bytes)
2023-03-18 01:04:26,845 (7ff8a945db38) :  DEBUG (runtime:924) - Response: [200] str, 320 bytes

The book does exist on Audible, but I can replicate the API "miss" due to it ignoring my preference to use embedded metadata and the manual search failing hard means I can't match it at all.

Edit: I figured out what's happening, but I don't have the skills to fix it. When auto search happens, the newer version of uses to look for an ASIN in the filename. This works for auto search, but not manual search. When running manual search, is empty, so it throws this exception.

As a quick workaround, I put and additional check on the relevant if statement, and this worked to allow manual search to work properly.

        log.debug(' %s', #added this, and that's how I found this was "None" on manual search
        if self.content_type == 'books' and

where original was

 if self.content_type == 'books' 

This is clearly just a hack for missing source data, so I didn't want to submit a PR for it. I don't know the source data structure/flow enough to determine if this would be a good permanent fix or just a hack to keep us going while waiting for one. when using auto search

2023-03-18 02:13:12,012 (7fbd2cc17b38) :  DEBUG (sandbox:19) - %2Fmedia%2Faudiobooks%2FMegan%20Miranda%2FFracture%2FMegan%20Miranda%20-%20Fracture%201%20-%20Fracture%2Emp3 when using manual search

2023-03-18 02:13:15,928 (7fbd2cc17b38) :  DEBUG (sandbox:19) - None
djdembeck commented 1 year ago

@plmcgrn thanks for taking the time to look into this. Yes, manual matching doesn't receive the filename from plex (just how their system works).

As for local/prefer embedded, that I believe is a scanner setting, and not controllable via the agent.