I use the Nu non-targeted import for ICP-TOFMS data. I process data without quantification.
Initially, event recognition looks as usual. However, when I try to get the histogram view of a single m/z in the results tab, SpCal crashes.
Error notification window opens:
Title: "Uncaught Exception.
Message: "cannot convert float NaN to integer".
Entire program shuts down after clicking OK.
There are blanking event gaps in the data. When I exclude the gaps from the selected time region, everything is fine.
In version 1.2.2. the exception is also thrown but SpCal does not crash. In this version, the single m/z plot is shown but the dashed "LOD" line is not shown. It appears that the error comes from calculating the LOD marker line.
The error does not appear when using default thresholding settings, i.e., automatic, non-iterative and no window.
Settings for thresholding that cause the crash: Poisson, iterative, window = 1000.
Affected version 1.2.4
Error description
I use the Nu non-targeted import for ICP-TOFMS data. I process data without quantification. Initially, event recognition looks as usual. However, when I try to get the histogram view of a single m/z in the results tab, SpCal crashes.
Error notification window opens: Title: "Uncaught Exception. Message: "cannot convert float NaN to integer".
Entire program shuts down after clicking OK.