Closed NS3Git closed 3 years ago
I also am on windows if that makes any easier
No problem. With recent versions of Ceres you don't need to point to the LC0 binaries at all (usually). There is a Ceres.json file with text that controls these settings. There is a copy of one in the ZIP file distributed that should work out of the box with the sample neural network included in the ZIP file. But you can also edit this file, for example with lines like:
"SyzygyPath": "f:\\sygyzy\\5and6man",
"DirLC0Binaries": "c:\\dev\\lc0\\lc_280",
So for dirLC0 networks does lc0 use the default one or do i have to set that up with it and if i do how would i set it up?
also this might not go with the thread may I ask are the default settings for ceres chess the most optimal or are there better settings you know of like different cpuct values and stuff like that?
The entry DirLC0Binaries should be a full path to a directory in which a working LC0.exists. This will only be needed/used if/when you use features such as the Ceres tournament manager. But for normal use (just as a UCI engine), Ceres will be playing using its own code with nothing to do with this directory. The question of which settings are optimal is very complex and depends on situation. Ceres has a set of default values (mostly like LC0) which are believed to be generally good. The Discord channel for LC0 is where much discussion and #help takes place with respect to LC0 and also Ceres engines, you would find a huge amount of material there.
Please don't get mad if these are easy to setup I am new to this