dje-dev / Ceres

Ceres - an MCTS chess engine for research and recreation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ceres startet from a Power Automate Desktop flow #72

Open sandersfrank opened 2 years ago

sandersfrank commented 2 years ago

If I start Ceres (v0.96) in a command line session with PAD I get the following error:

Loaded network weights: 0 10x128 WDL MLH from ./Networks/weights_run2_703810.pb.gz

at Ceres.Chess.NNBackends.CUDA.NNBackendLC0_CUDA..ctor(Int32 gpuID, Net net, Boolean saveActivations, Int32 maxBatchSize, Boolean dumpTiming, Boolean enableCUDAGraphs, Int32 graphBatchSizeDivisor, NNBackendLC0_CUDA referenceBackend) in C:\dev\Ceres\src\Ceres.Chess\NNBackends\CUDA\NNBackendLC0_CUDA.cs:line 270 Error when initializing CUDA. Did you install NVidia's CUDA? System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'cublas64_11' or one of its dependencies: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (0x8007007E) at ManagedCuda.CudaBlas.CudaBlasNativeMethods.cublasCreate_v2(CudaBlasHandle& handle) at ManagedCuda.CudaBlas.CudaBlas..ctor() at Ceres.Chess.NNBackends.CUDA.NNBackendLC0_CUDA.InitCUDAContextAndTakeWriteLock() in C:\dev\Ceres\src\Ceres.Chess\NNBackends\CUDA\NNBackendLC0_CUDA.cs:line 324 at Ceres.Chess.NNBackends.CUDA.NNBackendLC0_CUDA..ctor(Int32 gpuID, Net net, Boolean saveActivations, Int32 maxBatchSize, Boolean dumpTiming, Boolean enableCUDAGraphs, Int32 graphBatchSizeDivisor, NNBackendLC0_CUDA referenceBackend) in C:\dev\Ceres\src\Ceres.Chess\NNBackends\CUDA\NNBackendLC0_CUDA.cs:line 270 at ManagedCuda.CudaBlas.CudaBlasNativeMethods.cublasCreate_v2(CudaBlasHandle& handle) at ManagedCuda.CudaBlas.CudaBlas..ctor() at Ceres.Chess.NNBackends.CUDA.NNBackendLC0_CUDA.InitCUDAContextAndTakeWriteLock() in C:\dev\Ceres\src\Ceres.Chess\NNBackends\CUDA\NNBackendLC0_CUDA.cs:line 324 at Ceres.Chess.NNBackends.CUDA.NNBackendLC0_CUDA..ctor(Int32 gpuID, Net net, Boolean saveActivations, Int32 maxBatchSize, Boolean dumpTiming, Boolean enableCUDAGraphs, Int32 graphBatchSizeDivisor, NNBackendLC0_CUDA referenceBackend) in C:\dev\Ceres\src\Ceres.Chess\NNBackends\CUDA\NNBackendLC0_CUDA.cs:line 270

CUDA driver is installed, and starting by hand in a command line window works without problems.

dje-dev commented 2 years ago

The error message stats that the cublas64_11.dll file cannot be found. I do not understand the specifics of how PAD works, but I suggest you locate this file and put it somewhere on the system path so it can be found by a program running from any directory. This will hopefully solve the issue.