djepo / TemplateViergeSymfony2

Blank symfony 2 template including FOSUser and FOSFaceBook Bundles
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No route found for "GET /fb/login" #12

Open akramfares opened 11 years ago

akramfares commented 11 years ago


When i try to connect with my facebook account, it redirect me to /fb/login and I get this message : No route found for "GET /fb/login"

I searched for it in the routing file, i didn't find the /fb/login route.

Thank's, Akram FARES

djepo commented 11 years ago

Ok, I reproduced the bug, I've only tested the application with an existing account, when you first connect to the website, this error occurs. I'll look into this, thanks for the report.

akramfares commented 11 years ago


I found that the problem come from this line : $fbdata = $this->facebook->api('/me'); on djepo\UserBundle\Security\User\Provider\FacebookProvider;

I'm searching on how to fix it.


EDIT: I'm on localhost, so cURL can't make https requests wich is causing the problem. The fix is to add this line on base_facebook.php line 935 : $opts[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false;

And don't forget to update the security.yml :

line 57 : login_path: /fb/login => login_path: /login

djepo commented 11 years ago

base_facebook.php is part of facebook's sdk, i don't want to modify it. I moght have problem in another configuration file.

djepo commented 11 years ago

I've made an update. It should work now.